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Everything posted by buelliganx1

  1. They re-did 270E and now I guess we know what they will be doing next year on 270W.
  2. All I have to say is thanks alot jc whitney. If I ever see one of these in person I think I may become physically ill. http://img8.exs.cx/img8/2852/omg3rl.jpg
  3. Ha Ha I wonder if they would let me on base with those following me.
  4. I've seen the pics of her at some party getting money stuffed in her garter but I've heard nothing of a porn vid. Oh and paige davis is the cute little host of trading spaces.
  5. Ok boys and girls hold on tight, this week they take two 75 firebirds and some nitrous and with all there combined mechanical mastry ended up with a best time of 14.92 at 99 mph with (and this is the best part) a 150 shot of nos OMFG!! I know 5 year old kids that could do better by accident. graemlins/lol.gif
  6. QUOTE]wasn't it like "super2nr tv", if it was, those twins owned and operated a very successful high performance shop [/QB] Yeah that was it, they must have some smart folks working behind the scenes because they are total idiots, they seem to be part of the whole throw a bunch of stuff at it and hope it will go fast group.
  7. Yeah I've never used fs2002 but in 2004 I taxied out in front of an acft coming in for a landing and instead of hitting me or flying right over me to land it actually aborted the landing and went around for another go at it. 2004 has a bunch of historic flights built into it so if you want to sit down and actually fly the 30 some odd hours it took Lindburg to cross the atlantic by damned you can do it. Everytime I fly it I notice something else that amazes me, a couple of weeks ago I flew over Mt Rushmore And you can make it out clear as day. Oh and I picked up a addon called wings of power that gives you a B-17, B-24 , B-29 and some other german and british acft but whats really cool about it other than the unbelievable attention to detail is it adds the flight dynamics and visual effects for a belly landing. Sparks off the tips of the props and smoke that drifts past you after you stop is so much better than that frame freeze and crash note that the normal flight sim gives you. graemlins/thumb.gif
  8. I'm running msfs2004 with a saitek 3d gold joystick right now, would like to pick up a flight stick and rudder peddles someday. I've got tons of acft downloaded for it some better than others but all pretty good. I'm just starting to get into the whole filling out a flight plan and useing the gps stuff. I would suggest a program called usa roads it really adds alot of roads helping out with flying vfr alot. In response to desperado, there are tons of planes available for free or for a price I've got everything from an SR-71 to a U-2 even have the spruce goose. Basically if it flew you can find it, hell there is even a flying train, and a flying human (think superman but naked) it's pretty much endless.
  9. It's on ebaumsworld.com under animation.
  10. Just picked up a 71 satellite that should keep me nice and busy not to mention improve my skills with body work of which I have very little now.
  11. We've got a workbench in the basement that has a top made out of a cheap wood door. Its nice and smooth can be cut down to fit your needs and if you find one that has some damage on it can be had for really cheap.
  12. Yeah that looks much better. The pic I posted was the first I saw of that design and believe me I hope yours is the right version.
  13. The more I look at it the more that the grill area looks photoshopped anyone else think so?
  14. Well I hope this works. Its a pic of the 06 charger. I'll have to see more before I can really make up my mind but for now that grill has to go. graemlins/wtf.gifhttp://img53.exs.cx/img53/97/06Charger.jpg
  15. Not to get off subject but TurboD I saw a civic just like yours leaving rickenbacker the other day was it you? If it was I was in the white WRX coming on base as you were leaving. Your car sound good hows it run?
  16. Yep douchbag or turd sandwich pretty much sums it up. smile.gif
  17. That fire in the tailsection is the fire from the blast of the ejection seat.
  18. I've got this video somewhere both in cockpit and out, it's pilot error all the way which is strange since it is one of the thunderbirds so you would think that they wouldnt make a stupid mistake like this. I'll post the cause later if someone doesnt post it first. Needless to say this photo is taken lessthan a second before the plane hits the ground.
  19. Holy crap can you imagine being the first person to stumble upon that find. He's probably still laughing his ass off. graemlins/lol.gif
  20. Thats the same pos that I saw for sale at ricart used car land a couple of months ago. So as bad as it is that someone owns it this guy actually bought it this way. graemlins/slap.gif
  21. Your trying to trade a guy with a WRX for a winter beater. You do not know how fun it can be to drive in the snow till youve driven a scoob in the snow.
  22. That wouldnt help me in my quest to thin out some of my projects. My parents always said its good to have a hobbie but they never warned me of having too many hobbies.
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