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Everything posted by ICEMAN1647545504

  1. A great car... I like this one too... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3474/3216739122_69a1948bcd_b.jpg
  2. I'm a Mustang guy, but that car is ugly...
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgEdM8cUGHg
  4. I rode yesterday for a bit... It was nice...
  5. Just a wet kit will do the job for him... He does not need a fogger or anything like that... If he just wants to add a little kick to the pony 100 shot wet will do the job... He doesn't realy need any fuel updrades at that level... Here is an example of what he needs... He should do a tune to the car for the nitrous though... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Nitrous-Oxide-Wet-Kit-05-07-Mustang-GT-NEW!-NOS-NX_W0QQitemZ390032604872QQcmdZViewItem
  6. I went to Tuesday Morning toady and saw the same car... Looks sharp...
  7. Yeah, it sounded like that Civic spun a lot and the Mustang looked good off the hole...
  8. I think that's a tad bit hing for that car...
  9. Yea... I've had 17 cars BUT NO PIC... WHERE ARE THE PICS... Noob FAIL...
  10. There are some nice roads in Ohio that have some good twisties... You dont have to go to TN, NC... But I would like to visit just because people say it's the s#1t...
  11. Okay... So you are telling me that a person was talking shit, about running 10's and waxing some ass, and didn't even have the car that he was suppose to run 10's in and wax that ass with, because he never bought it and it got sold to someone else??? Well... that right there is what I call EPIC FAIL, ladies and gentlemen...
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