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Everything posted by ICEMAN1647545504

  1. All of them were some nice videos...
  2. I'll put these girdles to the test... I think they will fail... But we'll see how many passes I can get out of it... I got 3 spare 302's sitting just in case...
  3. I got the very first kit he made... I feel a little special... BTW I GOT NAWZ TOO... 2 stages... (No, I'm not joking, stock 302 with a 70mm and 2 stages... Hope I can get a few passes in with it...)
  4. brrrbbrbrbrbbrbrbrrrrrrrbbbrbrbbrbrbrbrrrrrbrbrbrbbrbrrrrbrbbrbrrr...
  5. Vere naice... I try dat too sam day... NAT...
  6. Who mocked up the kit for you??? Or is it something you bought pre-fabed...
  7. Bad ass... That Land Rover at the end almost got dug up...
  8. Someone please post some nice boobs and save this thread...
  9. I posted this video a year ago... Still funny though...
  10. I got a 30g color iPod for $100, I think it has about 1000 songs in it... Very good condition... PM me if interested...
  11. When someone pisses you off, you have to tell them... We don't know the situation... He might have been right...
  12. People that want to watch the videos, will do so... If you don't, than you don't have to...
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