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Posts posted by OGRE

  1. As i research, people use a regular car battery as a sump pump backup all the time, just one i looked at will run a pump non-stop for 6 hours or 4 days intermittenly. Am i wrong to think by only running my pump and furnace that i would not have to idle or run the engine of the car continuously, maybe a couple hours a day.
  2. Instead of buying a generator, how feasible is it to just get a power inverter and hook it up to the car. All the power i need is to keep the furnace lit and the sump pump rolling. i know an idling v-8 is going to use some fuel but could an idling 4 cyl be pretty comparable to a generator?


    just wondering.

  3. RAD!


    I have nowhere to park that thing, although I would love to own one for the hell of it. I was going to buy a Hummer H1 a few months back but the douche bag wouldn't accept a check... I even said I will wait for it to clear, no way in hell I was going to show up in the middle of nowhere SC with cash.. :lolguy:


    your missing the point, you can park wherever you want :)

  4. B5.5 Passats are OK from a reliability standpoint. Automatic transmission with 115k miles on it makes me a little nervous. MAG means they added at least $1,500 to the price. :lol:


    TDi's rule, but be prepared for expensive parts, if not expensive service for repairs. I'm assuming you do all the work yourself.


    Any thoughts on a Jetta TDi wagon? Slightly smaller, but you get an even more economical package...


    yeah looking for that too. I haven't heard anything bad about thier trannies from what i've been reading on the internet. But, i have read enough to realize they break down as much as any other car, it's no crown vic LOL.

  5. i've been driving v-8 rwd vehicles in the winter since getting my license. From my expierience, having both rear wheels driving the vehicle is a mixed blessing. It helps you alot to get started at a stop sign or intersection but on the highway hitting a patch of ice on a limited slip/spool is going to bring the ass around quicker than anything.

    On the other hand, kit is a pain in the ass trying to get 1 wheel to get you going from a stop in heavy snow, but on the highway when you hit a patch of ice, the drive wheel will break traction and the left/dead one will help to keep the rear strieght.


    if the truck already has a limited slip and you weld it up, you will make it worse.

  6. I never knew my father, fuck him. My "dad" adopted me when i was two and he had married my mother. He never treated me any differently than my half brother & sister, and for that i am greatful.

    Personally, if you can't honestly see yourself with kids, don't ever get serious with a girl with them.

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