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Everything posted by Slimpsy1647545505

  1. not sure if theres many linux users on here or not but here's my problem. I'm a dual-boot ubuntu user (current version 7.04 feisty fawn). Anywho, somehow my grub conf got messed up and now I can't boot the computer at all, getting a Grub Error 15. When I attempt to search for /boot/grub/grub.conf it doesn't find it. I can't even boot into windows. I've tried to use an xp disc and get the console up but it says I don't have any hard drives installed. . that's how hardcore it is. I can boot a linux live cd fine, and it sees my partitions. So I guess it's a grub issues. I know that's a lot of technical crap. . hope someone can help! Thanks in advance, -Will
  2. Got a friend in NC interested. . . can you e-mail me all the pics you have to bsturgill001@columbus.rr.com
  3. Anyone have a solid 350 laying around? Would prefer complete, but definitely needs to be mostly complete (block, intake, etc). Lemme know whatcha got if anything. Thx. -Bill
  4. No it's the angle of the pic, although there is a drop to the gutter..that's so the water will droain to the proper side. . . I could tighten the screw, but it's normal for the house build to have the angle on the gutter.
  5. for those of you who read my house flip before/after post (if not search it) here's the final curb appealed product. . . before and after. . . lots of outside work done (complete trim repaint, landscaping, tree trimming, new light/numbering, etc) before http://a15.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/105/l_d71fcddc01bd982e2f96a15c60ef8476.jpg after http://a246.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/81/l_882532d7e696f1731fb5ca9b3c375e6d.jpg
  6. Thanks for the replies. . bead board works WONDERS on many layers of wallpaper that would othewise be a hassle to remove. I just got into flipping and buying auction houses. . I actually did it according to the buyers specs with the borders and colors and flooring and everything. . . didn't really cut many corners. Overall it was a nice profit. . I put more into it than I had wanted, but it pays off in the end. Working on another in Hamden now . . . Definitely worth it for anyone lookin to get into real estate. . . flipping auction houses for the win! I'm doing this exclusively now and will keep ya'll posted as to how it goes. thanks again..feel free to ask any questions as well -Will
  7. A month's worth of hard work paid off, tell me what you think! New flooring/carpeting/walling/paint/appliances/fixtures/lights..etc. Complete overhaul basically. Living Room Before http://a110.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/104/l_983d3423927119aba9aa8740838d97e5.jpg Living Room After http://a634.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/108/l_aaedbc7880bcb4744c0f861cce7ebfb1.jpg Kitchen Before http://a656.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/128/l_add3085180c45f00d898abd3dfa38117.jpg Kitchen After http://a91.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/89/l_14171329308914f994814175f22fc90a.jpg Bathroom Before http://a452.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/105/l_46fb9480d015cc2c3c9098d3abcfeec3.jpg Bathroom After http://a388.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/74/l_a26684c4410bd49207a1d26e2bf8813b.jpg Bedroom 1 Before http://a817.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/124/l_f65215f90ab274c9d19ed5d0bfeb6be0.jpg Bedroom 1 After http://a613.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/84/l_c8640ee93e0444359040359b4ba5ed7c.jpg Bedroom 2 Before http://a875.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/106/l_5f732e8b9aab340d2bc7393ac7186f52.jpg Bedroom 2 After http://a611.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/87/l_0442cab6476bfc1ad6302e5b34558d5a.jpg
  8. was just curious. . . on the explorer 8300 dv-r box that comes with time warner digital with dv-r there's auido/video inputs on the front and I can't figure out if it's functional or not. . but that would be handy to use with a digital camcorder or something. . . was wondering if anyone else has this box and had any luck with it thanks
  9. sold, buying thijs off zum. . . no more replies plz
  10. thanks guys see i was wonderin in the first place why i wasn't getting the BSOD . . . didn't have the automatic restart turned off . . . . and after running the code, it was a faulty stick of ram (EVEN THOUGH I STRESSED TEST IT AND IT PASSED) . . . random. . thanks a ton guys . . got the computer back to friend a couple days ago and he's had it on ever since with no issues
  11. i have a amd k6-2 350mhz with 128mb of ram, 3 pci slots - 10gb hard drive sitting in my storage closet... probably still works. . did when i put it in there 7 years ago
  12. wanting a few sticks of pc3200 (512 or 1gb sticks) lemme know whatcha got, and whatcha want price wise. . not lookin to spend much, under online prices please thx -W
  13. Sooo. . . I'll get to the point with my problem. . . maybe someone will be able to come up with something I have not. I'm trying to setup a computer for my friend, it's an older pentium 4 2.4c with 1 gig of memory, 500w power supply, 120g hard drive, and nvidia 7800gt graphics card (agp 8x). I did a fresh install of xp pro . . installed and updated everything (drivers/etc). . . and the computer just randomly restarts after being up a few moments. sometimes it's more frequent than other times. I've been building computers for awhile, but this one has to be one of the most annoying pains in the ass ever. I've tested memory slots, and memory. . . hard drive seems not to be giving out any errors when I run a stress test on it . . . . just simply restarts at random (not virus related. . completely fresh install of windows and norton with updated virus defs and boot scanned). thanks in advance for any help ya'll can give -will
  14. Thanks for all the replies. It's still in progress people, lol. The outside gutter will be fixed, the outside trim will be repainted (including gutters) and landscaping will be completed as well. This was just a week of work. The border in the one room was the only option because the walls are all old plaster and there was several border layers from previous owners. . so i scraped and leveled it as much as possible. . and as far as the green, already have a buyer. . . and the colors were already picked. The fridge/stove/washer/dryer were all only 400 (they were reconditioned) so I am aware of how to shop for that stuff. The furance was a solid 800 (great deal), and also had the cooling recharged. The majority of the expenses went into new flooring, paint, plumbing (will be replacing sinks/bathroom vanity/bathtub) and so on. I also plan on building a two-car garage behind the home. I'll keep ya'll updated, thanks for the opinions/advice though Good stuff.
  15. new flooring, carpeting, appliances (fridge, stove, washer/dryer), paint, light fixtures..new furnace, etc.
  16. so i'm getting into real estate. . . and got this cheap auction house. . . here's what i've done so far to it. . . price paid: 15,000 total invested for fixing: 5,000 estimated appraisal after fixing: 55,000 total profit: 35,000 BEFORE AND AFTER PICS front of house when purchased http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1469/5630295/17052110/264051029.jpg front of house now http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1469/5630295/17052110/264051806.jpg living room before (yes all the walls and floors were spray painted) http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1469/5630295/17052110/264051033.jpg current progress http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1469/5630295/17052110/264051790.jpg http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1469/5630295/17052110/264051802.jpg kitchen before.. http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1469/5630295/17052110/264051031.jpg kitchen progress http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1469/5630295/17052110/264051787.jpg bedroom before http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1469/5630295/17052110/264051030.jpg bedroom progress http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1469/5630295/17052110/264051795.jpg
  17. lets see interior pics if ya got em thanks
  18. kinda looks like a monkey (look at the bottom) . . with a really big grin. . . perhaps dead. . . with an angel flying out of its head.. ..i like it though. . . tribal seems to work for ya. . . even if i always make subleminal images out of it
  19. sold some stuff to nitrous today (thanks man) and decided to keep other stuff... thanks for lookin. . . this can be locked
  20. sounds like an amazing time..already took my week off, spent it relaxing on the ocean ...many margaritas were consumed.... but nothing compared to the amount of corona's that were sipped by the ocean view..it was very commercial like (lol)... ahh..good times
  21. I'm tired of renewing norton. . . what do ya'll use for computer anti virus protection? Are there any good free options? discuss
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