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Everything posted by Slimpsy1647545505

  1. I've wasted a lot of odd years with women who were cheaters. . . and this advice still holds true with all instances, even after trying to work them out. Once a whore, always a whore. PERIOD
  2. I've only owned 720p. . . is there a huge difference in 1080? Oh, and bump for you
  3. Loooove it. Until I have to drive in it.
  4. I dunno dude, that rug really tied the room together.
  5. Can't beat that for 1K as a winter beater, I'm sure it won't last =)
  6. LOL. . in on page one. . and edited after reading
  7. In his link to his "got fiero" post it says unknown mileage. So I will assume it is unknown ...aka...the odometer doesn't work.
  8. Updated the post. . . I'll just reformat it with xp and you'll eventually have to put your own OS on.
  9. Thanks David I was not aware of this, perhaps I should just wipe the computer then =/
  10. Pleasure meetin ya John. . tv works great ,exactly what I wanted, and at the price I wanted. Thanks again man.
  11. Fair enough, all I was implying is it can be updated, as I own the original software. True enough you cannot reinstall it ever, you CAN keep it up to date. But thanks Ben for clarifying it. . . that hand gun you traded me is working out real nice
  12. I wanna be a part of the night crew
  13. Hey Erik, just got off the phone with my friend with an update on the pics. . . he found something locally off ebay last night so is no longer interested. Sorry.
  14. Exactly, lol. But seriously, it's a stimulant. . . and it helps you breathe better. . . that should be good for working out, right? rofl A lot of guys on bodybuilding.com use it, not that it makes it smart, but I'm willing to give anything a try. Go go gadget asthma medication.
  15. Well aren't we on top of things, lol.
  16. Technically it could be an onboard graphics board with a single dual outlet card.
  17. Walgreens at the pharmacy, got some today. . . it's in a product called bronkaid, as the primary ingredient. The link in this post told about it, and after some research, works like a charm.
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