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Posts posted by Chadz89GTA

  1. We'll e-fight with you too if it makes you feel better.


    I want the graph posted up so people can tear it apart like he claims he will rip me apart at the track. :masturboy:


    You can bitch about my car all you want, but the only person that wrenched on it besides me was Bill, and all he did was point his finger and tell me what to do. So please cry more older brother, your day is coming where you will be the fastest sibling no longer. It may have taken me longer but I didn't have a NEW car to start with and I didn't pay anyone to do the work to put this motor/cam/stall in. So please EAD

  2. Your oil pressure seems a little low in that second clip.... Looks like 25-30 psi at idle?


    Yea were looking into it. When you get on it, it spikes back to ~60 but at idle after it warns up it sits at just above 20. I don't know if it's the sensor since we put breakin additive or what.

  3. Its pretty easy to modify your steam passages, someone with a little engine knowelege could cut them and insert a short section of rubber hose to eliminate the rear crossover. There are a few ways to remedy that situation, and all LS6 manifolds are the same, just be aware that there are LS1 intakes that came off of early Vettes that did not have EGR provisions looking like an LS6 manifold. The only real way to tell is that the bottom drops down on an LS6, hence why the steam tubes are different on a car with an LS6 manifold. LS6 manifolds came on just about every LS1-LS6 after 01, including f-bodys.


    Or you could always just google the part number stamped on the intake to see which it is.


    LS1tech has all the info you need for this.

  4. I really hope they don't come back, on the other hand I hope they do and I am home :)


    Tell people you know that you're taking a trip. Move car away from home, sit and wait. :p

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