I'll bet I can match your highway mileage. Mine actually isn';t that bad, but I;m sorry that once I put my foot down to make good power my mileage goes down, thats usually the case in anything V8 or higher, as I can drive like a jackass in my Bronco II and get the same mileage as when I'm conserving. You'd be surprised at the mileage these LS1's can get if you mod them and treat them accordingly, but then again that would make me drive around town like the worlds biggest vagina and what fun is that? My point is if I wanted to get good MPG's I would have bought a moped, but I wanted power and mullet-ness so I got best money to mod car I could find in my price range. If you wanna get technical I have 2x 4cyl's under my hood, so in a sense I should get 2 times less your MPG's right?