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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. That's from the movie called Gang Tapes. It is not real one single bit. Someone is pulling a great online hoax with this clip from the movie. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/gang_tapes/ http://www.thaformula.com/adam_ripp_-_gang_tapes.htm
  2. When I pulled up to a light in my SHO I had some moron kid in a Taurus roll down his window and excitedly ask, "Hey man where did you get that sweet body kit? I've been looking for one forever for my Taurus" I just looked at him shook my head, rolled my window back up and went on my way. PS he had red NEON washer nozzles, it was pretty sweet. graemlins/jerkit.gif
  3. http://www.consumptionjunction.com/downloadsnew/cj_45374.wmv When I first saw this (Aside from what happened to the poor guy being ran down) I thought all the smoke was from the guy rear ending him, not him smoking his tires. I added the NWS just due to the nature of the video and to be safe.
  4. Police said they were searching for the drivers of a maroon Ford Focus.. Well we know who lost that race.
  5. And every single one around there to show them what's up.
  6. "Everytime im around muscle cars or stuff like that my car stalls. Its like my cars scared." haha I hadn't heard about this problem before, gave me a great laugh though.
  7. Ripped this off svtperformance.com thought the video was pretty sweet so I decided to post it for your enjoyment. http://www.planetvids.com/html/Top-Speed-Challenge.html
  8. I've seen a few cars like that, we figured they were going to create huge horizontal stabilizers, it looks so goofy they were just blowing in the wind.
  9. Love the stance, very nice looking. I like the Cobras in the first picture too
  10. If you're talking about Enslow he is one crazy mother fucker. I have a few of his DVDs, he throws saftey to the wind. This jump is just flat out NUTS though damn.. 277 feet...
  11. Regardless of whether it is chopped or not it's still gorgeous.
  12. http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/contrib/sz/killtheimu.gifhttp://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/contrib/sz/killtheimu.gifhttp://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/contrib/sz/killtheimu.gif
  13. +19238 These cars are pure sex on wheels.
  14. Umm if I recall.. sex sells, so this guy went the complete WRONG direction.
  15. Wow, I've always loved the WS6 look.. fucking pimp! Great looking car man!
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