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Everything posted by suffocateXfaster1647545505

  1. What time? Sorry is this the 6-8 or am I confused?
  2. It was ok the first time, but then it just got.. gay.
  3. Did anyone listen to the Howard stern show.. I'm not sure what day it was but where they had the "guess the noise" and it was either Terri Schiavo, a humpback whale, or a clip from a porno? Or something along those lines, correct me if I'm wrong. I say just let her die. But that blog is hilarious.
  4. graemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/lol.gif
  5. haha, this post keeps getting better and better.
  6. Great introduction. Another Mustang I see. Welcome aboard.
  7. I wish when I was 18 I could have landed a sweet job like that. That's a funny story though.
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