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Everything posted by Rustlestiltskin

  1. Wanna bet a 6month ban on that twinkle toes?
  2. Lulz. Mich and penn state got snuffed. O-H !!!
  3. Triple to clarify again that OSU will Make the playoffs and I wager a 6month ban
  4. You just went balls deep into ballerina's brain
  5. This. I'll wager a 6 MONTH BAN. Man up twinkle toes
  6. The dude is a legit nut tucker. He'll never take real bets and will just stay in the peanut gallery forever chirping.
  7. You do know that Hillary lost right?
  8. Meyer's teams aren't built to play in bad weather. Dantonio's are. Tressel's teams were as well. Slow it down, good defense, conservative, don't beat yourself.
  9. http://i.imgur.com/UB1eV.gif http://i3.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/013/506/image.jpg
  10. Make America Great Again http://media3.giphy.com/media/jNdw5Qmy5MOpq/200.gif
  11. This. I'm jelly as hell too. Sweet lil fella.
  12. http://i.imgur.com/Wspdnj5.gif
  13. $1k-$5k That margin takes you from derby car with no title to decent DD ride
  14. Evening CREW. Working during the day + kids at home after work = no time til evenings. I'm def not gonna wake up and go early early AM then go to a physical job afterwards. Nah nah nah
  15. This. Rather cut my nuts off and throw them at a short bus.
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