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Everything posted by Rustlestiltskin

  1. Great Car, Awesome deal, should sell quick! :eyes:
  2. Was gonna try one til I saw it had 69g is sugar. Holy shit that's an insane amount. no other soft drinks on the market have that much, not even Surge (56g). I'll pass on the mouth garbage.
  3. http://i.imgur.com/qsC70eQ.gif Wife n I been watching this since the opening
  4. 1) Gnarly stuff to do 2) Niagra falls Pick one
  5. Inb4 somebody makes a "how much is this gun worth" showcasing a hi point 9mm
  6. http://static1.gamespot.com/uploads/original/1286/12868072/3088222-ydsh42n.gif
  7. http://static1.gamespot.com/uploads/original/1286/12868072/3088222-ydsh42n.gif
  8. http://static1.gamespot.com/uploads/original/1286/12868072/3088222-ydsh42n.gif
  9. http://static1.gamespot.com/uploads/original/1286/12868072/3088222-ydsh42n.gif
  10. Did you tuck your wiener, buffalo bill style, and waddle up to your neighbor when asking him about his fence or did that happen when you walked away once you let your wife take care of what the man of the house is supposed to handle. Ahh the interactions of yet another cuckold.
  11. Still don't understand why you haven't rolled it out in the street yet. It's not yours and owners aren't showing up. Shit would've been gone forever ago. Also, what car is this?
  12. I would just find out what model they are along with shaft stiffness. People will be able to know everything about them once they know the model of them. If you tell me what they are I could come up with an accurate price for them.
  13. You need to post more details about this golf set. Taylor Made comes out with dif set of clubs almost every 6-8 months. What model are they? what shaft stiffness? etc... Just posting up some generic pic of the irons and saying their Taylor Made will never get these sold. GLWS
  14. Really nice deal on a plate carrier vest with pouches and plates from AR500 Sale ends today. http://www.ar500armor.com/sentry-plate-carrier-w-armor-and-pouches.html#.V3_3Hiz2YdU
  15. btw, just saw this. http://www.viralthread.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/black-power.jpg http://www.viralthread.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/alleged-bppo-fb-1.jpg
  16. Does a .22 pistol come with this price as well?
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