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Everything posted by Rustlestiltskin

  1. Just razzing ya. Car looks great and really digging the wheels. Enjoy!
  2. I bet these are awesome cars to have being AWD and all. Congrats.
  3. Not even worth taking the time to cut it up and transport to a scrap yard. Scrap metal is at an all time low at $40/ton. Could even be lower at this point. Either make a Craigslist post or something for free metal and some scrapper might come get it.
  4. Lol that was cringeworthy as hell. Pua techniques, corny jokes. Shit is getting deep in here.
  5. Brb, HAI GUYS I GOT A NEW AUDI S4 Hai did ya hear about my Audi S4 So um guiz, what do ya think about my Audi S4 Yea those Audi S4's sure are cool, oh wait I own one! Ever hear the story about this middle aged cuck with ashy knees that bought An Audi S4? Well, it's about me! Audi s4 Audi S4 Audi S4
  6. Hey DJ, growing your garden yet? Going to plant any new veggies you haven't tried yet? Ever find a good gym down there to attend? Is the A5 still appealing to you?
  7. Bingo. Buy new tires for under $50 and wonder why they suck.
  8. Take the car back and have them properly fix it or Become a Eunuch Choose one
  9. Describe cheap with an actual dollar sign
  10. http://forums.clubrsx.com/images/smilies/inoutugh.gif
  11. Sounds pretty accurate after seeing his pics today. Maybe shorter though.
  12. Items you should never install on your truck/suv Or any size body lift Ever.
  13. fixed for subconscious truth.
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