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Everything posted by ColumbusDrift

  1. interested in the tires. any pics or any idea of what kind of shape they are in? i only need two btw. thanks
  2. sorry, i just saw the 92 civic on your sig line, but do you know if it will fit 89 hatch?
  3. what year and model are we talking about? pics?
  4. ColumbusDrift


    http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a242/columbusdrift/6003ae51.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a242/columbusdrift/20422f1e.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a242/columbusdrift/d444f521.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a242/columbusdrift/4b2fa091.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a242/columbusdrift/f268a918.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a242/columbusdrift/dd702ae6.jpg
  5. please send pics to wilson.1166@osu.edu
  6. Hey guys someone slashed through my window in jeep wrangler i was wondering if there are any stores around here that can just replace the plastic window since it still has good fabric.
  7. that's hiro, one of my buddies. he is a really cool japanese dude that has owned quite a few s13's and also writes for option2. he has some pretty sick rides as well.
  8. is this car gone yet? if not let me know where you are at and i would like to possibly take a look at it.
  9. Rotarded- man, thank you so much for the awesome post. i think that i will swap it out possibly once i can get a garage to work in when i start working at dana corp in the summer again. people like you are why this forum is so awesome with experts in almost any field in the area of cars. once again, thank you for your expertise.
  10. Hey guys, i was driving my girlfriend's 98 saturn sc2 on saturday and i had all these problems when putting the car into reverse from park. It would hesitate and then jump kinda violently into reverse. Her tranny is an automatic and i'm not too familiar with auto trannys. I checked the tranny fluid and it smelled a litlle burnt not too syrupy smelling like i'm used to, but wasn't low. Now it was a really hot day so i was wondering if the fluid just got real hot and kind of broke down. My question to anyone is do i just change the fluid and filter? Replace the tranny? Ignore it because it only has problems on hot days? Is the tranny on its way out? Thanks a lot for any input.
  11. interested in trading/selling the rims for my 15" rims plus some cash?
  12. I'm looking for a set (4) of rims and tires for this particular car for my friend. If anyone has either stock or aftermarket he is interested in them. Please email him directly at wyatt.71@osu.edu He also needs these asap. If anyone knows if there is anything of interest at U-Wrench it please let us know. [ 02. May 2005, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: ColumbusDrift ]
  13. looks very good. where did you find one of these ae86's with such a good body? maybe try club4age.com for some old school rims to match the rest of the exterior. could put some old supra rims on it, would be pretty cheap also.
  14. i'll be in toledo this coming weekend and might be interested in checking it out
  15. looks good man, have you discovered www.club4ag.com this site is awesome for the ae86's i used to surf it a lot when my starlet was running and before i bought the 240. really good body for those years.
  16. great look man, i hope you can make it to the ohionissans meet this coming april. i hope my car is done by then
  17. any possibilities in parting out the rims? if so what are the specs/info/tire life/brand/offset/etc. on them?
  18. Hey i needed a quick fix on my friends car. he needs his braket for his seat in his wrangler welded down, since its broke. anyone help with this?
  19. i know this is off topic, but where did you get that picture of the camel and the toyota from? i remember this same ad a long time ago and would love to get the link or picture.
  20. might work, i can't deal with any money issues, as these are not my parts, but you should call my buddy mike if you are actually interested or email at mjrino@bigplanet.com
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