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Posts posted by RedRocket1647545505

  1. The way I see it, the problem isn't localized to one area, there are going to need to be changes across the board to address things. Yes to education, yes to criminal justice reform, and yes to some gun control measures. This isn't a problem pouring out of one faucet, it's a river fed by many streams.


    If you are unwilling to at least recognize that gun laws are a part of this conversation then you aren't interested in real problem solving.


    Honest question. How many more gun laws are going to be needed to address this problem? At what point do we say, Ok...now its sufficient. There is no answer. Its never enough.


    If we all agree that 1 act of gun violence is too much, then let's just get straight to the point of what the gun control side wants, and that's a total ban. Just say it out loud and we can get this conversation started. Quit putting on this facade that that isn't the real goal.


    And no, I don't agree that further control is needed. There are a whole slew of laws already on the books and we still have a problem, predominantly within one community. Go to that community and figure out what their problem is.

  2. You want the gun violence rates to drop? Figure out how to convince the riff-raff to stop shooting each other over dumb shit. Your numbers would improve dramatically if you could figure that one out. Education? Stiffer punishments? Banning murder? Whatever works. Just figure it out and quit going after me like I'm part of the problem.
  3. You've spent WAAAAY too much of the last 4 years supporting Trump's actions to just blame "the system" now, Tim. I may not have clicked your FB posts but they came up in my feed and I certainly remember your extensive messaging.


    He was in charge, and promised positive change. It's OK to say that he failed as a leader of this country. I'd love to see you type that out instead of blaming other factors.


    I'm honestly not sure how anyone could lead this shitstorm with the opposite side always cutting you down. This two sided nonsense has got to stop. Its getting us nowhere.

  4. Can't we just all agree that they've ALL been turning up the heat on this shit show for a loooong time now in their own ways. That anger didn't just start on January 6th. They've ALL taken a swing at the wedge driving this country apart with their own hammers. Its my personal opinion they should all be dumped out on the street, and that includes Trump.
  5. When someone has nothing to lose, they are able to do the unthinkable. They may have already lost all that matters to them. Choosing how they go out with a dramatic statement/event is a win to them. Having an ego that needs validation, there are all your signs. De-escalate and create distance. The only defense to the unthinkable is not being there, distance is your friend. Doesn't mean you're a pussy. It means you are smart enough to know there is no win in staying there. Normalcy bias is a term being used more and more. "There's no way someone would do ............" And then you're dead in your driveway and your wife is in the street. Over what? Feeding your shitty ego.


    Yup. Congrats to the couple on winning that argument! Oh, wait...

  6. Hard to watch that honestly.


    I don’t think anyone deserves to be treated that way over words (assuming that’s all it was).


    Grandpa is a pussy if that’s how he reacted to being call a pussy. He also killed himself after. Ultimate pussy move since he knows he made a mistake he can’t come back from.


    See post #5


    Am I the only one that looked up more info on this, watched several reports, and read other testimonies and reports?


    This wasn't all over "grandpa being called a pussy". This was a long standing feud and was a pot ready to boil over. Should folks have lost their lives over it? Hell no, but if y'all even watch the links posted and do some self study you'll see that the couple wasn't exactly acting like angels either in the incident or in the supposed many leading up to it. They also had a 15 year old special needs son and decided to act as fools. Now that kid is at the mercy of other fam members.


    Also, "grandpa" was 47. Some of y'all in this very thread can't be far off. :lol:


    See post #5

  7. Did you stick around to watch them run it through the bandsaw? That's a butt puckering moment.


    I had Devault Industries do the exact same setup on my 525 before he died. Super nice guy, and the employee who did all the actual work (forgot his name) did a phenomenal job.


    I did seriously about poop my pants when I watched him run it through the bandsaw though.

  8. Me in June: "Wow I love this new big driveway, you can park six cars in it without going over the sidewalk"


    Me in January with just a hand shovel: "Fuck. My. Life."



    I've never quite understood the concept of shoveling snow in Ohio. Wait 12hr and it will melt.

  9. I'm fine with it. I absolutely HATE the weather we've been having; mid 30s, wet and windy. Shit never dries out and I personally think it feels colder during these conditions.

    Dog and yard are always a mess. Either freeze solid or warm up and dry shit out. F'n Ohio's the worst.

  10. So this has puzzled me for many a year... I still am no closer to coming to a conclusion, after many arguments that is. I don't think it can, others 100% think it will.


    If you have a plane trying to take off whilst on a tread mill which will run at the same speed as whatever the planes tires rotation speed is will it take off?


    This was debated on here, heavily, many a year before you came along.


    Everyone knows....the plane DOES NOT take off.




  11. Hopped off the GME wagon yesterday. Hopped on the Dogecoin wagon today and made some DAMN good gains.


    The Robinhood shenanigans are complete bullshit. "We're doing it to protect the consumer from a volatile market." Yea right, get fucked. We know why you're doing it. F'n crooks.

  12. I think what you're seeing now is an overreaction to the realization that the capital protests were organized via FB. They blame Parler for the "radicalization", but Parler really doesn't have a way (that Im aware of) to organize these things.


    I think its FB trying to cover their own ass.

  13. I could have sworn I saw a news story or documentary several years ago that showed a bunch of Chinese folks running dilapidated shanties full of GPUs along a river somewhere in China that do nothing but mining BTC. Didn't appear to be rolling in the money or anything based solely on their setup.
  14. It's not that all the words stir the pot, it's that the soup has been served.


    Im not defending Trump in any way; he's an idiot. But, they've ALL been stirring the pot in their own way for years now. Trump just turned up the burner and it finally boiled over.

  15. Serious question:


    Will you now support Biden as your President?


    Absolutely. I hope he can turn this country away from the path it's heading. And I hope the one after that does even better. And the one after that even better.


    Reality is though, they are all trash. I wouldn't trust a single politician to do the right thing at any point in their tenure. From either side.

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