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Everything posted by RedRocket1647545505

  1. I saw him try one other time at trails...
  2. http://askthedrunk.com/richtt/ot/superdome.jpg http://askthedrunk.com/richtt/ot/colin.jpg http://askthedrunk.com/richtt/ot/romania.jpg
  3. I'm of the opinion that if you're dumb enough to get suckered into one of those, then you deserve whatever you get. It's not the .govs responsibility to protect you from retarded decisions. We had to watch a video in a Soc 101 class about predatory lending and how it targets the uneducated, followed by a discussion of how we could help the poor, pitiful dumbfucks of the world, and deter them from putting themselves into even more debt. Tough shit. Darwin is a motherfucker.
  4. I questioned that too. Unless he wrote it down, and then got smacked in the head with a rock or something.
  5. Volcanically-triggered Extremely large volcanic eruptions, which eject gases and material high into the atmosphere, can trigger lightning. This phenomenon was documented by Pliny The Elder during the AD79 eruption of Vesuvius, in which he perished.
  6. http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/05_02/Volcano2PS_800x523.jpg http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/05_02/Volcano4G_468x706.jpg
  7. Volcano in Chili erupting: http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/05_02/volcanoUPI_800x531.jpg http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/05_02/volcanoUPI1_800x514.jpg http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/05_02/Volcano3AP_800x600.jpg From Space: http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/05_02/volcano_468x370.jpg http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/05_02/volcanoAP_468x532.jpg
  8. Some of those planes were UP there. I would think that flying one of those planes would be much easier with the goggles on.
  9. My grandpa died whilst performing a massive Valsalva Maneuver.....on the pot.
  10. Werd. Overly badass. Can you imagine this for capturing track days and such? :cool:
  11. I hate to be the asshole to ask, but what'd it make pre-explosion?
  12. They say the 33rd. mags balance the gun out pretty well. I think they're more around 1,200rpm. A Dillon Aero M134 mini gun is around 3,000rpm, for comparison.
  13. 1. Go here (http://www.gunbroker.com/User/DealerNetwork.asp) 2. Punch in your zip, find all the FFL dealers around you. 3. Pick the one that has the cheapest transfer fees. $20 or less should be do-able. There's a bunch of guys that do transfers out of there home, so it might not be a shop. 4. Go to www.budsgunshop.com 5. Find the gun you want. These will probably be the cheapest prices you can find. 6. Get name, address, Phone #, Fax #, Email, etc. for Bud's Gun Shop. 7. Go to local FFL guy with Said info. 8. Tell local FFL guy you want him to recieve a transfer. Local FFL guy will send his FFL info to Bud's Gun Shop. 9. Order what you want from Bud's Gun Shop, being sure to let them know you've already send your local guy's FFL info to them. 10. Wait about a week. Pick up gun. *Bud's price (includes shipping) + transfer fee = still waaaaay less than most walk-in shops. Downside is, you can't choke someone should something go wrong.
  14. You've got to be kidding me?!?!?! Not a good year for badass cars.
  15. Why did you have to post that? Soooo much cool shit I want but don't really need.
  16. True. I'd have serious doubts about putting my hand that close to the muzzle. I would, however, rock one with one of those shoulder stocks though. Pointless, but cool.
  17. I heard the asian chick say they had 525rd. to waste, which is probably Federal Bulk packs. So long as they don't waste it, they should have plenty to last them 3 months. Oh, and they were already talking about shooting a Bald Eagle. I thought, this will go over well with PETA.
  18. Werd. Throw me a Paypal and I'll go ahead and pay.
  19. Fatty does get to shoot a Remmy 700 Alaskan Ti though. Those ain't cheap: http://www.remington.com/images/products/firearms/centerfire/lgsil_700ati.jpg
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