1. Go here (http://www.gunbroker.com/User/DealerNetwork.asp)
2. Punch in your zip, find all the FFL dealers around you.
3. Pick the one that has the cheapest transfer fees. $20 or less should be do-able. There's a bunch of guys that do transfers out of there home, so it might not be a shop.
4. Go to www.budsgunshop.com
5. Find the gun you want. These will probably be the cheapest prices you can find.
6. Get name, address, Phone #, Fax #, Email, etc. for Bud's Gun Shop.
7. Go to local FFL guy with Said info.
8. Tell local FFL guy you want him to recieve a transfer. Local FFL guy will send his FFL info to Bud's Gun Shop.
9. Order what you want from Bud's Gun Shop, being sure to let them know you've already send your local guy's FFL info to them.
10. Wait about a week. Pick up gun.
*Bud's price (includes shipping) + transfer fee = still waaaaay less than most walk-in shops. Downside is, you can't choke someone should something go wrong.