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Everything posted by RedRocket1647545505

  1. This isn't entirely true. In fact, most of it isn't. It's usually not one specific thing that kills someone. It's usually a cascade of problems stemming from something else. If someone comes in with respiratory issues, tests positive for COVID, has a cytokine storm, develops ARDS, sepsis, and finally Multi Organ Dysfunction Syndrome, then dies...what actually killed them? Was it the sepsis? Was it hypoxia? Lactic acidosis? And what caused all that? How would you know? Hospitals code diagnoses as they arise. Cause of death is subjective to some degree. If they test positive for COVID, and the person dies from a cascade of problems that probably were a result of COVID, then why shouldn't they get paid? Can you prove COVID didn't kill them? I'm as quick to criticize hospital administrators as anyone. I work for them so I know what kind of crap they can pull. But fraud probably isn't one of them.
  2. Would recommend not going with propane and getting a big green egg instead. Light the charcoal with propane.
  3. Ditching all social media (besides this place) was my new year's resolution. It's been great. I don't miss it at all. I have no idea what's going on in the world, but I've found that I really don't care. Its refreshing.
  4. Entertainment and general shenanigans
  5. https://www.10tv.com/article/no-evidence-coronavirus-survivors-who-have-antibodies-cant-be-reinfected-who-says-2020-apr
  6. Where's the article that says that just because you have antibodies, you cannot be infected again? Is it by the same source that said you can only get The Flu once in your lifetime?
  7. These news stories rub me a bit for providing false hope. Nitric oxide isn't going to really fix anything. We already use nebulized prostaglandins in the form of epoprostenol/Flolan/Veletri which all do the same exact thing; they dilate your pulmonary arteries to allow more blood flow around your alveolar-capillary membrane. They do nothing for the inflammatory reaction your body is mounting which is actually what is killing people. Long term studies have already shown that they don't really do anything to improve overall outcomes in ARDS. They make your numbers look better (O2 sats) and we're usually already throwing the kitchen sink at you anyway by that point because nothing else works. We typically don't use nitric because it's crazy expensive (like $10k/day). The pediatric community still uses it because....kids. BTW, people won't be giving themselves nitric at home. Once its started, it can't be abruptly stopped. It requires a controlled, measured weaning and people can't be trusted to do that by themselves.
  8. Can finally get your wiener turned outside in?
  9. LOL. I just finished watching this.
  10. Was in line last Saturday morning at Vance's to pick up an order I placed online. The staff came out to announce how they are limiting those that can be in the store to online orders only due to the governor's orders. Some schmuck yells out from the back, "Tell the governor to shove it up his ass!" Its amazing to me how much the general public just doesn't get it. This guy was probably in his mid 50s; prime age to get smoked by this thing.
  11. I hear the healthcare field is hiring right now.
  12. Yup. Nothing they say can be trusted. As for where it came from, who knows. I'm sure China gonna China when it comes playing with experimental viruses. I highly doubt they are up to snuff on their level IV lab protocols.
  13. I think the idea that only the unhealthy are the only people dying from this needs to be addressed. It's not just the old, sick, fat, multiple comorbidity people that are dying. Predominantly? Yes. But there are still a fair number of younger healthy folks who are getting wrecked by this. I know everyone is itching to get out of the house and get back to work, but we really need to let this settle down a bit first. Its going to be really hard to support your family if you're dead.
  14. Will those who aren't 'at risk' be signing some sort of waiver refusing any medical treatment should they need hospitalized if they should contract it after the orders are lifted?
  15. Yup. The former Sec Nav that fired Crozier seems like a little vindictive bitch. I'm not sure where he gets that...
  16. I welcome anyone who's pushing to just get it over with to come to Grant with me for a day, walk into one of the negative airflow room with a positive patient, and take a big deep breath without a mask. Any takers?
  17. https://www.10tv.com/article/british-prime-minister-boris-johnson-moved-icu-after-coronavirus-symptoms-worsened-2020-apr Nice knowing you, Boris.
  18. Somebody showed me a map yesterday while I was at work (caring for a COVID + patient) that showed Google's tracking of cell phones. Ohio is doing MUCH better than most other states at keeping our asses at home, so kudos to everyone and Dewine for doing this. Side note; I know it happens, but damn it's creepy that Google can track us all with such accuracy. From a hospital capacity standpoint, it's starting to ramp up. Last week was mostly dead. Census was low. It was eerily quiet. Fast forward to yesterday - the hospital is slowly starting to fill up with patients. And not just COVID patients, but the typical ramp-up that we see when the weather gets nice. Being the major player in the trauma game in central Ohio, Spring and Summer are trauma season for us. Sun's out/guns out is very true. Motorcycle accidents start rolling in. We are usually at max capacity by May so perfect timing for the peaking of this pandemic. The hospital system is still bracing for the onslaught because IT IS coming. Do me a solid and stay away from other people. K thx.
  19. Wait until the sedation/analgesia supply starts wearing thin (it already is). Vents won't do you a bit of good if you can't sedate people. I believe most of this is made overseas. Might be a good time to start thinking about bringing these essential things back stateside.
  20. Plaquenil and Azythromycin, yes. Zinc? doubtful.
  21. This virus' official name is SARS-CoV-2. There are now 7 strains of coronavirus. (4) common cold varieties, SARS 1, MERS, and now this (SARS 2)
  22. What meds? It also doesn't completely correlate with your immune system health. For reasons we don't quite fully understand, there are some people who have a perfectly fine immune system, however, their body mounts a completely exaggerated inflammatory response and actually ends up killing itself. Your body does dumb shit sometimes.
  23. Werd. Be a healthcare worker, bust your ass working a shitload of overtime every year, work even more during this outbreak, receive zero hazard pay, make above the cutoff because you worked so much, and no stimulus check for you. Thanks Obama.
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