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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Will start new thread. Brian or other demi-gods of CR, please feel free to lock this thread up. RIP double post
  2. That's good news about Carlos. And I thought a new thread might eliminate the annoying double-post glitch.
  3. Agreed with everything you said, Zack. And I'm geeked to hear the stuff about Urban and the offense and going into next year, etc. Wish we didn't have to wait so long for next season. Also, Josh, it's 2013 - time to start a new CFB thread.
  4. It was weird - and now, in retrospect, prophetic - that, a bit before the 2006 title game, I was worried about Florida's little "gimmick" tricks they played on offense and how that could give us fits. Maybe it's just me, but in Tressel's tenure, I always thought Ohio State never had any problems playing teams that just ran a traditional-type of offense. However, the little spread teams and gimmicky stuff always gave us fits. I remember often thinking, "If I'm a coach going against Ohio State, I just say fuck it and do all kinds of trick plays all game long. I won't be able to beat them straight-up, so why not just go for broke the whole game?" Of course, in the end, it wasn't really Florida's offense that did the damage - it was their speedy defensive line. Point is though that, in 2006, no one thought of the SEC as being this all-powerful, semi-NFL conference. Florida was lucky to be in that game and was thought of as being a sacrificial lamb. I truly think Ohio State thought they "won" the NC after the Michigan game. You had guys breaking out cigars and shit in the locker room after that, like as if to say, "Well, that was the hardest game we'll have. Now we just go to Glendale and collect our national championship trophy."
  5. What kinds of things were they saying? About Ohio State or just about everything non-SEC?
  6. BTW, I'm glad to see Chip stay at Oregon. I have soft spot for the Ducks (for what reason I really don't know) and I think them keeping him is a definite win for the program and all of college football.
  7. I can't really mount a good counterargument to any of that. Besides, as I've said before, pre-season rankings are stupid. Unfortunately, despite their stupidity, they are (almost always) vital given the system we play in. So, while I think they are dumb, I also want my team (OSU) to be as highly ranked pre-season as possible just because I know the implications.
  8. Phil, he's talking pre-season rankings for next year.
  9. I was thoroughly impressed with Manziel. Heisman hangover what? It's scary that he's just a freshman. I'm okay with Ohio State being behind Alabama and Oregon in the final AP poll. I guess now there are no more excuses because there are no sanctions. Time for Ohio State to put up or shut up.
  10. You and my wife have many similarities: 1. Reasonable and rational 2. Counter my rants against the SEC 3. Are likely right when I'm wrong on this 4. Look hot in heels
  11. Yeah, I pretty much jinxed poor Notre Dame with my rant and Alabama made me look stupid.
  12. P.S. The shove from McCarron's center was the most duress he was under the whole game.
  13. A few thoughts: - Alabama is good. Enough said, right? Well, other than - yet again - my tongue-in-cheek picked SEC team continues to dominate. I'm sorry, everyone. - It irks me that the SEC gets a free pass to play in the NC game every year. It allows them to play loose through the season. Alabama has now lost twice - at HOME - and one of those times was relatively late in the season - and yet they have played in NC game both times. It's almost like the media, pollsters treat the SEC like the AFC East: oh, Patriots lost at home to the Bills? Divisional matchup, that loss is understandable. We'll just keep them at the top of the rankings because we know they're really good. Ugh. - So I was whining about this to my wife last night during the game, and she is like, "Well, the best way to shut up the SEC is to beat them." I think she's absolutely right.
  14. Dr. Pomade


    Being a zoologist = requirement #47 of posting on CR. Other notable requirements: 1. Dating or have only dated supermodels. 19. Hate Obama. 23. Proficient in all styles of unarmed combat.
  15. Am I the only one who has a difficult time deciphering Twitter stuff? When people are like look at these Tweets, it's like I'm reading hieroglyphics.
  16. Clicked on link for purchasing specs on 2011 Veyron. Oh, what's that, monthly payments of only $42,477? Shit's poor.
  17. Is this the same moron that had a quote about Richard Simmons and a GTR in his signature? If so, then I think that would be my opening and closing argument to the jury.
  18. When Ohio State wins the national championship next year and when we chant, should it be: "BEE - EYE - GEE" (BIG) or "BEE - ONE - GEE" (B1G) ??? Just wondering how it would sound best phonetically.
  19. When Ohio State wins the national championship next year and when we chant, should it be: "BEE - EYE - GEE" (BIG) or "BEE - ONE - GEE" (B1G) ??? Just wondering how it would sound best phonetically.
  20. LOL @ Florida. Fuck you, Gators. The only thing I'd like more is for Ohio State to hand your ass to you. Be glad that game was as close as it was: Louisville could have hung 50 on you. And fuck you, SEC. Two of your premier programs got beat by an ACC and a Big East team. Yeah, those two conferences that you really like to look down your nose at. Go fuck yourselves, SEC circle jerks. Notre Dame totally deserves a shot at national title. Alabama doesn't - it lost at home relatively late in the season (*cough* Ohio State in '98, anyone?). Also, wtf - this is the second season in a row that Alabama has lost at home and still went on to play for national championship. This is why I despise the fucking SEC. They're good, but they aren't that good. Now I'm hoping Notre Dame destroys them and then next year the SEC can hear all about how it has been overhyped through the years. And fuck you too, ESPN. I blame a lot of this on you.
  21. 2 -5, IIRC Winners: Northwestern and Michigan State Losers: Wisconsin, Michigan, Nebraska, Purdue, and Minnesota.
  22. LOL @ USC and LSU. USC AP Preseason #1, LSU #3. Together, they lost 9 games this year. Clemson manhandled LSU for large stretches of that game. And wtf is up with LSU botching the game plan late in the 4th quarter? Les Miles strikes again.
  23. Cordell was winning this thread with the white, and then promptly proceeded to drive his winning right off a cliff. 9/10 x 0/10 = 0/10 Sorry, it's algebra.
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