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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Stop it - you're a magnificient Pepper Potts, you little redheaded minx.
  2. This is a great pre-workout supplement before doing crossfit. Or anything.
  3. This would be my recommendation. I've been doing it for a few months now. It's worked great for me. Definitely was a great change of pace from the standard, bodypart-specific training. My endurance has increased dramatically. And when I say endurance, I mean how long I am able to have sex with my wife. And do stuff in the gym.
  4. Cordell, I was just being mean. I was a little drunk and I was upset over some of the things you said. Plus, it didn't help that I saw you talking to Brian Carter at Crown. I'm sorry and I promise to not be abusive anymore. Take me back?
  5. THE FATHER OF COMMUNISM IS IMPRESSED http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/KARLMARX.jpg
  6. Andy and Brian are awarded the following: :fuckyeah: :fuckyeah: :fuckyeah:
  7. One time, someone called me a "Tilley." After the initial shock wore off, I shanked them in the kidney. There are just some insults that cannot go unpunished.
  8. Thorne's response will include at least two of the following: -his actual IQ score -how he was misdiagnosed as abnormal as a child -an obscure reference to some car modification -a misspelled word (the irony of which will not be missed by anyone) -his disdain for Big Pharm/psychotropic medications in general -how cannabis can be an effective mood stabilizer
  9. This reminds me of a story I heard about Dr. Z06 meeting up with Mario Van Peebles at a local bar. Some say it's nothing more than an urban legend. But, as the story goes, they happened to cross paths by chance. After a fairly skilled knife fight followed by a walk off, they both realized that neither could hope to defeat the other. It was as if they were looking in a mirror, only one of them was white and the other one was black. Celebrating their newfound friendship, they had 6 shots of chilled Patron and had sex with 14 barmaids. For the afterparty, they formulated what is now regarded as one of the most infamous bands in the history of the 614: http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/StrikeForce-1.gif
  10. FYI, the 90's are so in right now. Tick tock you don't stop.
  11. I find this offense and it is not very tolerant.
  12. I was kind of being a jerk and somewhat flippant. What you're saying (or what you've heard) isn't without merit. There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical when it comes to IQ testing. And there is no consensus on what constitutes "intelligence" or what - precisely - we are measuring when it comes to an IQ test. It's an evolving field of study and certainly not without it's share of controversy. P.S. When I'm on here, I'm not a professional. I'm just an idiot.
  13. http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/tony-stark.jpg
  14. True, what do I know. I'm just a genius.
  15. No, an IQ test determines how smart you are. That's what the fuck it's designed to do. Only idiots and art students have problems understanding this.
  16. No, they actually mean quite a lot. But don't let the truth get in the way of your pandering.
  17. http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4119/4876696414_d3f62d18be_z.jpg
  18. Future headlines read: "Radio station behind DJ prank call sued for civil damages in nurse's suicide." Morning radio: now so bad it is literally killing people.
  19. This is crazy, but I know exactly what you're talking about. We drove through the Wayne State campus area when leaving the Lions' game. And, because traffic was a fucking nightmare, we spent a lot of time staring at the surroundings. And, just like you said, there were a bunch of really big, Victorian-style homes. It was weird, as one would look immaculate, and it was 20 yards from one that looked like a run-down crackhouse, but then there'd be another one that looked immaculate, and so forth.
  20. I immersed myself in Detroit wikipedia last night. It's kind of sad to see how much potential Detroit had - and how much of a thriving city it was - and to compare that with how things there are now. It was once referred to as "Paris of the West" because of it's architecture. At one point not long ago, Detroit was the fourth or fifth largest city in the United States. In the past decade, it's lost 25% of it's population - that's crazy to me. Imagine if 1 out of every 4 people you knew just moved away. /wikipedia regurgitation
  21. I'm not sure how you are defining Miami's success when you say they're a successful program. It certainly isn't by attendance; Miami's games - when they aren't undefeated and vying for a national championship - are like ghost conventions. Didn't Washington and the Seattle Seahawks share a stadium for a while, or no? Not sure I'd consider Washington "successful" though. How about USC and the Colliseum? Didn't the Raiders play there when they were in L.A.? Now I'm just trying to think of college teams that played in pro stadiums.
  22. http://travistation.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/david-hasselhoff-as-michael-knight-in-knightrider-thumbs-up-263w_350h.jpg
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