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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Yeah, I don't think there's much utility in complaining about the B10/B1G having 14 or 16 or 187 teams. It's a brand. That's like complaining that Nike makes more than shoes or Apple makes more than computers. Brand, people, brand. B1G, leave it at that, move on. Now, who's next? If the B1G and the SEC were smart - and ultimately I think they are - they should collude and change the landscape in such a way that ND is forced into the B10 and Texas is forced into the SEC. Not exactly sure how they do that, but if I'm Delaney then I'm calling Slive and being like, "Dude, let's work this shit out."
  2. They have an opportunity to get rid of the stupid fucking names and just re-name them East and West. No, it doesn't have to make complete sense geographically. Just fucking ditch the dumbass Leaders and Legends shit.
  3. About Oregon, I can see why 18 year olds would love to play football there. Think about it: each weekend, you get a whole new set of completely blinged out gear to wear out on a national stage. Sure, it's probably not my thing now, but I can tell you that I'd likely be into that when I was 18. Fuck, I had like seven pairs of Jordans and I needed zero pairs. I think it's cool what Oregon/Nike is doing, and I think it's cool what Maryland/Under Armour is doing too. I think they are both marketing geniuses for catering to the young, urban crowd.
  4. Texas and Mizzou would be awesome. Not sure we could land Texas without a sweetheart deal, though. Also not sure how all of that would work with the LHN? UNC and Georgia Tech would be nice.
  5. WTF is up with Rutgers and Maryland to B10? Nooooooooooooooo The only way I'm okay with this is if we go after two bigger name schools, like Va Tech or FSU. And even then I'm only kind of okay with it. Just seems like we're watering down the conference. I get it, it's all about money, but still, come on.
  6. Yeah, I remember hearing pre-season how Urban was going to make Stoneburner into an all-world offensive player. That didn't seem to pan out...
  7. Yeah, not sure why exactly we decided that Braxton had to run the ball 538 times yesterday? Hyde has been doing great, and he was great when he got the ball yesterday - too bad it was only like 15 times. Braxton stunk yesterday. And what the fuck is up with Stoneburner/Stonehands? I know, maybe it was the sun yesterday, but he seems to have caught a case of the dropsies.
  8. 6. It was a fumble. His arm was clearly under the dude's leg. If that wasn't overturned, then why even have replay?
  9. 1. Braxton's Heisman chances died in a dumpster fire last night. Does he not know you're allowed to throw the ball into the fourth row of stands if he's outside the pocket? 2. Awesome, the two teams I was pulling for - KState and Oregon - lost. Now this sets up a potential nightmare scenario: Notre Dame and Alabama for the NCG. That's like asking which leg I want amputated. 3. Oh well, with a ND loss at USC, and a win over Michigan, we are legitimate contenders for an AP title. 4. USC - LOL. You were #1 in polls to begin season. You now have 4 losses. This is why preseason polls are fucking stupid. 5. I'm now officially worried about Michigan. Did we even get a first down the entire second half of regulation?
  10. Cliffs: small dog is humping a slightly larger dog, small dog appears woozy and then falls back in a limp heap and just lays there. Some guys are videotaping the events and laughing hysterically. The dog's behavior seems suggestive of narcolepsy to me. The emotional/physiological arousal associated with imminent copulation would be an impetus for the narcoleptic episode. It would also be grounds for the guys videotaping it and laughing. /amateur intarwebz detective
  11. Holy fuck some of those counties out west are as big as some states. And LOL at some states not having a single blue county.
  12. The last time I posted about when Ohio State played at Wisconsin: 1. We had one of the worst first halves of football I can remember; 2. We had the greatest third quarter I think I've ever seen; 3. We lost, but should have won; and 4. I had a terrible hangover the following day. I fucking despise stupid Wisconsin, their dumb mascot, their old rickety stadium, their douchebag fanbase, and their fat, bird-faced crybaby coach. Of course, I also hate Wisconsin because they have beat Ohio State so many times in recent memory, and - quite honestly - I'm afraid they're going to beat Ohio State this year too. So, college football demigods, talk to me: what are Ohio State's chances going into this game? Should I get the Clorox, the straight razor, the bottle of Xanax, and head out on to the ledge now?
  13. The last time Ohio State played at Wisconsin: 1. We had one of the worst first halves of football I can remember; 2. We had the greatest third quarter I think I've ever seen; 3. We lost, but should have won; and 4. I had a terrible hangover the following day. I fucking despise stupid Wisconsin, their dumb mascot, their old rickety stadium, their douchebag fanbase, and their fat, bird-faced crybaby coach. Of course, I also hate Wisconsin because they have beat Ohio State so many times in recent memory, and - quite honestly - I'm afraid they're going to beat Ohio State this year too. So, college football demigods, talk to me: what are Ohio State's chances going into this game? Should I get the Clorox, the straight razor, the bottle of Xanax, and head out on to the ledge now?
  14. What, being gay or dating someone under the age of 18?
  15. Accuser claims he was 16 when relationship started. Sixteen is the age for sexual consent in Ohio. Just checked, looks like it's 17 for New York - where Sesame Street is filmed. Not sure if their relations occurred in New York, however - just making that assumption.
  16. This thread seems to have gone off coarse.
  17. What's the difference between a genius and an idiot? . . . . . . . . . One is a genius and the other one is an idiot.
  18. Three guys walk into a bar. . . . . . The fourth one ducks.
  19. What do you call a guy who hates Pumas and hot women? . . . . . . . . . . Paul
  20. What do you call the guy with no arms and legs that sits on the porch? . . . . . . . . . . . . . Matt
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