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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Wow, a lot of provocative information in there. I would be thrilled to get Texas, ND, and some of those other schools. It would also be great to go to a few super-conferences and break from the NCAA. #pipedream?
  2. Yes, I was single-handedly responsible for the Lions blowing a double-digit lead with under six minutes to play. I know, sometimes I amaze myself. I was impressed with Ford Field. I wish Ohio State played in a dome (with a retractable roof).
  3. I was in Detroit this past weekend. I attended the Lions-Colts game. Great game, BTW. The area immediately around Ford Field - which includes Comerica (the Tigers' ballpark) - seemed nice. Clean, cool stuff, etc. The rest of it looked like a war zone. Just lots and lots and lots of abandoned buildings, abandoned lots, etc. With the recent craze of zombie media stuff, Detroit should market itself as being an ideal location for shooting post-apocalyptic zombie films, shows, etc. And I am not kidding - all those high rise apartment buildings with no windows and graffiti and weeds growing everywhere look like they are straight out of a zombie movie. It's so haunting and desolate it's surreal.
  4. I really enjoyed the 2003-2005 era. That's when 450rwhp was enough to translate into being decently fast on the street. If you had anything above 700rwhp you were basically a street racing god. Street racing was - and still is - a fairly idiotic endeavor, but I would be lying if I said that I didn't have a lot of very fond memories from back then. Meets that come to mind: Kroger on E. Broad, the shit-show up on 161, Hooters on E. Main, and ultra late-rendezvous at Target/Polaris.
  5. I see it as a lateral move at best. Can't wait to see how much he whines when every coach in his conference is doing what Urban did last year with respect to recruiting.
  6. Holy fuck truth: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/ncaaf--sources--arkansas-to-hire-bret-bielema-195732340.html;_ylt=AsdexURaBWuCO8S9BLHQM0E5nYcB;_ylu=X3oDMTQ0bG12cWtkBG1pdANGRUFUVVJFRCBNZWdhdHJvbiBTUE9SVFMgRlAEcGtnAzRmNTkwOWI2LWM3YTMtMzc3Ny1hODFjLTViNDBjYzU5NGNjMARwb3MDMgRzZWMDbWVnYXRyb24EdmVyA2Q2NDc2MmYzLTNlNGUtMTFlMi1iM2RlLWUyOTU5YThlYjhjZQ--;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3
  7. Yeah, of the lesser of two evils, I think I want Alabama to win. I'd hate to hear all the gloat pour out of Notre Dame nation about how they were the ones to put the reign of SEC terror to an end. Besides, everyone already thinks Alabama is god-like anyway, so one more NC really won't change much. They are reminding me of Nebraska in the mid-1990s, Miami of the early 2000s, and USC of the mid-2000s: pretty much unstoppable.
  8. Nick Saban is exceptionally close to achieving dynasty status at Alabama. Quick story, which all of you can appreciate: It was after the 2007 NC game where Ohio State just got beat by LSU. My buddy, who is also a die-hard Ohio State fan, and I watched the game, and afterward we are out drowning our sorrows in alcoholic beverages. In our wallowing and whining, we decide that - since the SEC seemed so good - we should just pick an SEC team to be our "new team." Of course, this is all tongue-in-cheek, but, that night, we made a decision. We thought, "Well, we can't pick Florida or LSU, because that would be obviously very 'bandwagon' of us, so it has to be someone else." After a fairly lengthy intoxicated dialogue, we eventually settled on Alabama. We chose them because Alabama had been pretty awful for a few years so no one could accuse us of being bandwagon fans. However, we also reasoned that we could like Alabama because they have a good history, are blue bloods, etc. So, for the rest of the night, we just went around obnoxiously shouting "ROLL TIDE" and stupid, pro-Alabama shit like that. And, of course, since then, Alabama has proceeded to be the premier program in CFB. WTF are the chances?
  9. I'm with Josh on this one: I'm not sure why everyone - or anyone for that matter - is thinking that this "playoff" will solve anything. People, it's still a fucking popularity contest, plain and simple. If anything, then this new system allows more, not less, bias to creep in. Before you know it, the SEC will have all four teams in the playoff, LOL.
  10. Whoa, everyone, what gives with it being the officer's fault? I just read the article, and I don't see anything that would clearly indicate the officer was at fault. For all we know, the guy who died was clearly at fault and caused the police officer to hit him, which then led to his death. Or, maybe the cop was drunk and on meth and speeding because he was suicidal and that's what caused this. Point is we don't know just from reading that article. Also, another thought: if you were the girl being threatened by boyfriend with a sledge hammer, do you want the police speeding there to save you, or would you like them to just take their sweet ass time? I get it that cops need to be responsible - and if they aren't then they need to be penalized - but I don't see anything from this article suggesting irresponsibility. Rather, sounds like the cop was doing his job. Maybe I'll change my stance on this as more details become available. But, in the interim, I'm reading it as an unfortunate accident.
  11. I think they have several, or at least they did. I recall reading a story from several years ago, and the slant was that CPD has a sizable amount of helicopters (i.e., more than just one). I also remember the story because, in it, they quoted some cop from San Diego, who said something like, "Wow, that's really surprising that a city as small as Columbus would have that many helicopters." I remember thinking that cop sounded stupid and elitist. "Wow, you mean Columbus - that little cowtown in flyover country - actually has people in it and electricity and stuff???"
  12. So, basically, you're saying that you were wrong and that you're sorry. Apology accepted.
  13. What's your point? That Antoine Winfield is...what? Not a good athlete? Not as good as your dope smoking Honey Badger? What exactly are you trying to get at? That someone because Cooper said what he did that we should automatically discredit it? What the fuck kind of logic is that? Perhaps we should just defer to your judgment on talent. Please, enlighten us. I'm sure everyone is quite curious to hear how you'll manage to derogate Antoine Winfield - only one of the most decorated and celebrated players in Ohio State football history.
  14. John Cooper said Antoine Winfield was the best athlete he ever coached. Ever. And Cooper coached a shit-ton of awesome athletes, including Eddie George, Joey Galloway, Terry Glenn, Shawn Springs, and Andy Katzenmoyer.
  15. BTW, saw that Arkansas was offering a 5-year/$27M deal to Les Miles? That's fucking ballsy.
  16. Yeah, a couple of girls stumped me on this question a few years ago in a bar. I obtained my revenge by having sex with both of them. But that's not the moral of this story.
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