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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Audis: when overpaying for a Volkswagon just won't suffice.
  2. I particularly dislike Penn State, especially when we play at Happy Valley. I find this victory especially satisfying. The only B10 team I'd enjoy beating more at their place is Wisconsin. Both those teams can die in a dumpster fire. Speaking of dumpster fires, Florida LOL and USC LOL. Both of you can fuck off.
  3. I know exactly what you're talking about - I turned to Ashley right after it happened and, no lie, I said, "That was straight out of the fucking Matrix."
  4. LOL, no way I'm allowing you or I to get ahead of ourselves. Miami was an 11 point favorite against Ohio State in the 2002 NCG...
  5. I think it would be fairly intimdating from a foreign policy perspective to have a librarian as the Commander in Chief.
  6. http://imgs.isidewith.com/results-image/180981217.jpg Who the fuck is Gary Johnson, and where you been this whole time, dude?
  7. I'd say it could be way worse than even that. Ohio State's 2006 team was, before the NC game, being regarded as one of the best teams of all time in college football, and look how they got dismantled by Florida. Consider now that this Ohio State team is nowhere close to being the caliber of the 2006 Ohio State team, and given that Alabama's, LSU's, and Florida's 2012 teams would likely be considered better than Florida's 2006 team, and you've got a recipe for an absolute massacre.
  8. Ohio State could go undefeated this year and I'd still say a good 10 to 15 teams could beat them at any moment. We are no where close to being championship material.
  9. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3t2eoWK8l7o/ThFZ3DtduPI/AAAAAAAAAgw/Y8PJK7COuDc/s1600/tumblr_l1iotoYo541qbn8c7.jpg
  10. Trolling is like obscenity or justice: difficult to define precisely, but we all know when we see it. There's a distinction to be made between "good" trolling and "bad" trolling. Granted, "good" and "bad" are likely insufficient terms, and probably far too dichotomous. However, you likely get the point. I'm all for "good" trolling, though there's an art to it. Too much "good" trolling can quickly decompensate into what most would consider "bad" trolling. You have to know when trolling is okay and when to back off. Too much trolling and the trolled begin to rebel. Some people on here likely consider themselves to be quite clever and perceive themselves to be masterful trolls. In reality, though, they're probably just fucking annoying. The incessant negative, off-topic commentary (i.e., shitting in threads) and going out of your way to pick on people for little to no reason other than you feel like it's funny are two things I would consider within the domain of "bad" trolling. However, considering this is the Internet, I'm not sure how you'd ever completely rid a place like this of stuff like that. Being on CR is voluntary and a privilege. If I don't like "bad" trolling, then I'm free to leave. Similarly, the powers that be can exercise their power how they see fit. If someone here with the power to ban doesn't like your trolling - however they decide to conceptualize it - they can ban your ass and that's that. So, my unsolicited advice is to the banned trolls is this: stop trolling, leave, or be better trolls so you won't get banned as much.
  11. 1. Live in shitty apartment. Rent is $500 per month. Have three roommates. Your rent is now like $150/month (with utilities, etc.). 2. Lease your BMW or Benz or Corvette. Or buy it on an 84-month loan. This will allow you to have low payments per month. 3. Spend remainder of income on clothes at the Rail at Nordstrom. 4. Buy table, bottles, and all drinks at club on credit card. Do not care about exceeding limits or paying it off each month. Maxed out card? Open another and repeat process. 5. Be sure to tip doormen at every club. Never wait in line. This is only cash you will need the whole night. (All other expenses go on your maxed out credit cards.) 6. Enjoy your $30k millionaire status.
  12. Whoa, never heard of anything like this happening before. This is an exceptionally slippery slope. I'd imagine this is analogous to a weatherman being found guilty of manslaughter by not accurately predicting the path of a tornado that resulted in multiple deaths.
  13. Granted, I'm not the expert on all things Florida football - or football anything, for that matter! - so I'll have to accept what you say about how insiders there view the situation. However, I'd think that the situation between Meyer's last year at Florida and Tressel's last few months here were similar: both had a lot of success, both left under far less than desirable circumstances, and both were viewed as being blameworthy for the ills that they left behind. However, I don't see Tressel getting all the heat that Urban gets. Maybe it's because Tressel isn't back in coaching yet and him remaining out of the limelight also keeps him out of the bullseye. Or, it could be that Florida fans are just delusional.
  14. I don't like how the whole Tressel drama unfolded - but, then again, what Ohio State fan would? However, while I'm disappointed in that whole mess - for which he was at least somewhat responsible - I try not to allow that to completely diminish a lot of the good he did when he was here, which was win a shit ton of football games, a bunch of B10 championships, and a very respectable amount of bowl games, including BCS games. Florida fans seem to toss the baby out with the bath water. I just don't get it. Sure, I wouldn't exactly pleased with how Urban left, but still - the dude did a ton of good for that football program. I've said on here before and I'll say it again: I'll take Urban doing exactly the same thing here. Two national championships in five years and he can drop us like the ugly girlfriend.
  15. The lack of appreciation from Florida fans is ridiculous. He set the program back a couple of years? Urban won you two national championships and returned Florida to national prominence. Before that, you were just some place that Ron Zook lost a lot of games at. BTW, were Florida fans pissed at Steve Spurrier for dropping Florida like an ugly girlfriend so that he could elope with the hot-assed NFL? Just wondering.
  16. Isn't that from Lord of the Rings? Regardless, not funny in the least. And usually I don't give you shit about posting up unfunny things.
  17. Got it, thanks. WVU is quickly becoming irrelevant on a national level.
  18. Notre Dame gets curbstomped next week at Oklahoma.
  19. Clowney is a demi-god. Dude is seriously really good. South Carolina is still one of those perinnally fraudulent programs. Va Tech, Georgia, S. Carolina.
  20. What channel? I couldn't find it. Currently watching Miami - FSU
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