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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. No, I think he's pretty much just stating a fact.
  2. What up bauce - you going to be at C&C this weekend?
  3. Whoa, what the fuck - shit just took a turn for trainwreck.
  4. Excellent attitude to have, I think. :thumbup: Your money - you get to spend it how you want to.
  5. Jamie, I can remember vids from your Supra (specifically the race out in Arizona with that other Supra). I remember thinking that was about as fast as I had ever seen a car go on the street. However, I'm thinking that your Lambo takes it to a whole new level. What's your take? Is the Lambo faster than the Supra on the street and, if so, how much faster? What's the 'seat of your pants' feel for the two?
  7. It's difficult to comprehend just how fast those cars are.
  8. So, what's the weather outlook for Saturday?
  9. It will be my first one as well too. So, come find me and we'll employ a buddy system.
  10. Truth. Even 400hp x 3 doesn't even seem enough to keep you in the game. BRB, building space shuttle for TX2K13...
  11. Looks like UGR's lambos walked over everything.
  12. LOL, it's not the Kitchen, so no need to be a jerk unnecessarily. I got what he was saying, I just felt compelled to get all technical about it.
  13. Yes, I probably did, but at the same time I didn't want to allow a misperception of a diagnosis to be perpetuated. Bipolar disorder, along with ADHD and autism, is typically misunderstood, overdiagnosed, and used far too colloquially. If you must, fault me for feeling some sense of civic duty to make sure the diagnoses are used in accordance with their true clinical meanings.
  14. That's not what bipolar means (from a clinical sense), but I'm glad you agree with me.
  15. I've noticed my overabundance of posting in this thread as well. I guess it's a topic I want to talk about. *shrug*
  16. The first triple post occurred in an AOL chatroom about astrology and went something like this: "Leo/22/male/Indy, great hair and abs, proficient in cyber and multiple posting."
  17. It's about this point that we all take a hit from a water bong.
  18. Don't apologize - reminiscing like this is awesome. In 1996-1997, it was all about AOL. Dial up internet, wait 17 hours to get online, chat for 3 minutes ("a/s/l? cyber? you? me?"), then have screen freeze, lose connection, and then repeat this process again all night long. I thought it was "revolutationary" when my area had more than one dial up number you could use to connect to the internet. I was like, "Oh, wow, this will be SOOO much faster now that I can just use this other line to dial up to the internet if the other line is busy." LOL
  19. Well, technically, it doesn't work like that. She still gets charged, and then the extent to which she is "crazy" - and how that impacts the legal proceedings - is determined at a later date. All kinds of legitimately mentally ill individuals are charged with crimes all the time. Sometimes, they're so psychiatrically ill that they are never competent to stand trial - and, as a result, they cannot be prosecuted and their crimes are (usually) dismissed. We won't know if that is the case here until sometime later.
  20. I can remember being in college in 1996 and being in a class where we learned about this thing called "email" and the "Internet." Class time was spent sending profanities to all your buddies over email and searching for words like "tits" on the internet and watching Netscape think and think and think and think and never take you anywhere. We were all like, "This shit is weak." Twenty years later, we can't live without it.
  21. WTF, my sig is way too big. Edit: There, fixed. Okay, back to Evolution Ebony.
  22. I'll be curious to see what she is charged with (in terms of criminal offenses) from this incident. Off the top of my head, I'd think all these are potentially applicable: - Assault - Menacing - Disorderly Conduct - Inducing Panic Also, by psychiatric evaluation, they probably have her on some kind of 72-hour hold. During that time, they'll determine if she is legitimately ill psychiatrically and in need of hospitalization.
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