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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I would but I'm only decent, not seriously decent.
  2. I would but I only do large portraits.
  3. I would but I don't draw for people.
  4. Michigan State is looking absolutely fradulent against Iowa right now. And here's hoping Nebraska continues to curb stomp Mizzou.
  5. Who exactly would want to go to Boise? Answer: no one. It's a small stadium in a city that isn't exactly high up on a list of must-see places and they have turf that is annoying to a lot of people. Further, Boise is a classic no-win situation: if, say, Ohio State goes to Boise and beats the shit out of them, then everyone says, "Ohio State should have done that." However, if, for some reason, they lose, then all hell breaks loose.
  6. I just picked up my son from the warehouse. He worked third shift last night. What did I miss?
  7. Yo, I don't know. Change the lights, and admire the living room's new glow.
  8. Will the drain ever get unstopped?
  9. Air flow through this vent like daily and nightly.
  10. Something, like a clamp to grab a hold tightly.
  11. All right stop, measure twice and cut once.
  12. +1 Not that I believe that it's becessarily a cell phone she's holding, but, if it was and she's some sort of time traveler, then logic would suggest that - given she's using technology that allows her to travel through time - then she's also capable of getting her hands on technology that allows her to talk on a phone that isn't bound by the same parameters of our cellular phones.
  13. Excellent. If I ruled the world, then I'd outlaw campaign ads. Rather, there'd be a link like this on the Internet where the candidates could provide their stance on various issues, and then there'd be a copy of that in all the libraries. And there'd be no more annoying, continuous, retarded advertisements clogging up the airways every .2 seconds.
  14. Is that an El Camino or a missle of awesome riding on four wheels?
  15. Am I missing something, or is he like four cars back from where he should be stopped? Or did the light just turn red and you're snapping the pic as he's driving up to the light?
  16. Sarah Conner will no longer lead a quiet life as a waitress at a diner.
  17. Only users lose drugs.
  18. This is the Shoebox Dog Police. Consider yourself under arrest, tough guy! http://www.modernpooch.com/archives/MalcolmMiniSchnauzer1.jpg
  19. I think I found your next race... http://www.modernpooch.com/archives/MalcolmMiniSchnauzer1.jpg
  20. This is the XBox Police. Nice try, but no flashes for you, dirtbag! I'm issuing you a ticket.
  21. This is the Post Police. Wrong section, scumbag! I'm writing you a citation.
  22. This thread is 2 legit 2 quit.
  23. That sounds 2 legit 2 quit. At our Groveport graduation party, we had a competition to see who could drink the most cans of Busch Light Draft. Someone's mom ended up winning.
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