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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. The only way this is palatable is if it is said in a Ron Burgundy voice. Yeah, sorry, let me clarify - a $20 cover isn't excessive if there is some type of live entertainment being offered.
  2. Howard is fucking gangsta. Heart him.
  3. I think this is about all you need. /thread
  4. I take issue with this notion, and I'm peeved by people who talk down on our city. No wonder people from other cities think Columbus is worthless when its own citizens can't say anything endearing about it. Is Columbus the equivalent of Vegas or Miami or New York City? Of course not. But can it have relevance and character and be a place to be proud of? Of course. All that being said, I never made it to Martini Park, so I can't really attest to anything about it. A $20 cover sounds a bit excessive, though.
  5. ND = $$$$. Pure and simple. Listen, I despise ND as much as the next guy. However, there's no denying the money they would bring to the B10 if they joined. Yes, they've been wonderfully mediocre since the early to mid-1990s. However, having a good win-loss percentage isn't the criterion being used to determine a quality of fit for B10 expansion. So pointing out that ND sucks might be accurate, but it's ultimately irrelevant. No, the B10 won't mind sending the field hockey teams from Happy Valley to South Bend or Austin if ND or Texas joins. Why? Because of all of the extra revenue that would be generated. Again, this really comes down to money. Some other things - quality of the academic programs and geographic location - factor in as well, but really, IMHO, money is what matters most.
  6. 1. To keep current with the Internets. 2. To sometimes offer something of substance, which I find rewarding on a certain level. 3. To be irreverent and have a good time, especially with friends on here. 4. To make lists of shit and number things that I say because it makes me feel important and organized.
  7. + 1. Really, what the expansion boils down to is $$$$. Everyone in the B10 stands to make considerably more money if the expansion goes well - like ND or Texas joining, or Rutgers joining and bringing in a sizable chunk of the massive NYC/NJ viewing area, or Pitt and Missouri and Nebraska joining and bringing in the Pittsburgh, St. Louis, (some of) the Kansas City, and the entire state of Nebraska markets.
  8. I'm with you on Wisconsin. I'm a diehard tOSU fan, and I HATE playing Wisconsin. They always seem to play tOSU tough. Think about - when was the last time tOSU just annhilated Wisconsin? I can't think of a time. (So, if someone can, help me out here.) At least though Pryor is used to it - his first big victory came at night at Camp Randall. I'm undecided if I am with you on tOSU not showing up in night games. Here are some night games from memory in which played poorly: - NC game versus Florida (I was there in person to see that massacre) - NC game versus LSU - 2004 (?) at Northwestern when they lost in overtime - 2007 at home versus Illinois (when we lost - but then still got into NC game versus LSU) Here are some night games from memory in which they played good/decent: - Rose Bowl vs. Oregon - Fiesta Bowl vs. Texas (even though we lost, really should/could have won that game) - 2005 vs. Texas at home (even though we lost, really could have won that game) - 2006 at Texas (when we won convincingly) - 2006 at Iowa (or was it Purdue) - 2006 vs. Michigan (that ended up finishing at night) - historic game of insane proportions that we won
  9. A few thoughts on your post: I disagree that B10 expansion would do nothing for rivalries, recruiting, or ratings. Rather, I think it would enhance all three. Can you imagine a yearly matchup between tOSU v. ND or Michigan v. Nebraska? How about Iowa v. Nebraska? Penn State v. Pitt? Not to mention what would happen if Texas actually joined: people's heads would explode. Recruiting, I think, would be enhanced by adding teams from states that aren't currently in the B10 footprint. New Jersey is a veritable hotbed of football talent. Again, if Texas joined, it would be a free-for-all in terms of recruiting in the state of Texas (though I think the lionshare would still go to Texas). Ratings would, I think, certainly go up. How could they go down? Why would they go down? The Big Ten network already has the largest viewership. You're telling me that by adding three to five teams that LESS people would watch??
  10. Okay, yeah then I'm wrong - sounds like TI has their own Cirque show. Sorry about that confunction. I wouldn't mind staying at TI - if you can get a deal there, and they have stuff there that you're interested in (e.g., the aforementioned Cirque show) then I'd jump all over it. As for the travel agent, no, I haven't used one. However, I just heard someone the other day rave about using one, and they said it was cheaper than anything you can get online. Of course, this is one guy telling you something he heard from another guy, so this is just anecdotal at best. That being said, I'd still check out a travel agent - what could it hurt?
  11. The new stuff down in City Center is called Aria. IIRC correctly, they are just hotels and not casinos in Aria.
  12. 1. Okay, cool. Sounds like you've got the right mindset, at least from my perspective. 2. Yeah, I'm not down for walking around either. The Strip is a LOT bigger than what most people imagine. Unless you actually LIKE walking places, then it sucks to walk there, especially in the summer heat. I was there in August a few years ago and learned my lesson the hard way. By the way, before anyone says, "But it's a dry heat!" I'll also remind everyone that an oven is dry heat too but you don't see me putting my head in one. 3. Maybe I'm wrong here, but I don't think Cirque du Soleil is at Treasure Island. I know for a fact that Cirque du Soleil is at the Bellagio - they've been there for years. However, if they are also at Treasure Island then that is news to me. (I searched TI's website quickly and couldn't find anything on Cirque due Soleil being there.) Maybe you're confusing the Cirque du Soleil show (which is at the Bellagio and involves them jumping into a huge pool of water, I believe) with the TI show that they play every night that involves a big production of pirates and girls and shit jumping around on a shit and diving into water? (So, basically, both involve people doing acrobatic shit into water, just Cirque is at the Bellagio and the pirates are at TI.) IIRC, the TI show is free and happens at least once a night. I've seen it, and it's pretty cool. I haven't seen Cirque in Vegas, so I can't attest to it, but I'd imagine it has to be badass. 4. There's fine dining everywhere in Vegas. Pick your favorite type of food - e.g., seafood, Italian, etc. - then ask people at the hotel what they'd recommend. 5. 6. 7. You'll find plenty of slots and blackjack at any of the major casinos, TI included. TI is a fine casino - it'll have everything you'll need. If you opt to go there, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. TI is actually right in the "heart" of the Strip, so being there puts you in all of the action.
  13. Agreed, Rutgers is all about $$$$ in the NYC market. However, I fail to be convinced that simply because we add Rutgers to the B10 that all of a sudden we capture the NYC market. The entire East Coast tends to be fairly apathetic when it comes to college football. So, there's a part of me that thinks that it doesn't matter if we add them, it won't result in the increased viewership that everyone thinks it will. However, there's another, less vocal part of me that thinks, perhaps, adding Rutgers to the B10 will pique interests in the NYC area for college football and, in turn, bring viewership. I doubt it, but it's still possible. All things being equal, I'd rather not have Rutgers - there is zero percent of me that would be excited to see OSU or UM play Rutgers. For real. I take no pleasure in OSU repeatedly beating on UM. I'd imagine UM fans felt similarly in the 1990s when they routinely owned the Cooper-Buckeyes. Yeah, Texas in the B10 would be - how do I say this - fucking orgasmic. However, I just don't seem them doing it? They make nearly as much as OSU does now, and I don't they stand to make that much more by joining the B10. Also, I think Texas would view it as a step down, or a lateral move at best. There's some saying that Texas might end up going independent when all this shakes down. They are about the only team that could go independent and survive in today's climate, I think. Still, I'd LOVE to see them join. Yeah, I like Nebraska as a dark horse this year. If they don't let all the hype go to their head in the offseason, then they might be poised to cause some damage. After all, they play in the B12 North, which isn't considered to have been the most competitive lately. Okay, so no one is giving Penn State a chance in this game. I'm inclined to agree - they should get beaten handily by Alabama. However, there are a few thoughts that keep creeping in. First, Penn State plays pretty good in big, non-conference games. Think of their bowl record: it's pretty damn impressive, IIRC. While this isn't a bowl game, it's about the same magnitude, wouldn't you agree? I also think they have done well against the SEC, too? Also, think about all the hype surrounding Alabama. They'll be preseason #1 - will there be a hangover/over-hype effect? Probably not, but it's worth contemplating, I guess.
  14. I figured I'd start a thread to discuss all things college football this year. Who knows, it might just survive through the summer and be worthwhile come the fall. Some thoughts/questions: - who are your favorites to contend for the national title this year? - what are your thoughts on the big out-of-conference games? Miami vs. OSU and Penn St. vs. Alabama loom large. - what about Big 10 expansion? Will ND join? Should they? How about Nebraska and Missouri? - does Boise State have a legitimate shot at the title this year? - is the SEC still the best conference?
  15. Ashley and I have stayed at The Venetian the last two times we have been to Vegas, including about a month ago. I would wholeheartedly recommend staying there, especially if you can get a deal. It's this-shit-is-bananas awesome.
  16. There's a good reason why Circus Circus only costs $115 for three nights for two adults: because it's fucking awful. Seriously, ghetto. You couldn't pay me to stay there. I'm not kidding. There are some people who don't mind staying in crappy hotels. When I say crappy, I mean like Howard Johnson crappy. No offense to Howard Johnson, but, well, no, please take offense Howard Johnson - your hotels are crappy. Anyway, some people don't mind that. If that's you, then, by all means, stay at Circus Circus. Cue someone saying here: "But, Johnny Awesome, besides having great abs and wonderful hair, don't you think that hotels in Vegas are overrated? I mean, do you really go to Vegas to stay in a hotel room?" True, ideally, you don't go to Vegas to stay in a hotel room. After all, it's Vegas - you go there to see the sights and live the dream and be all playboy and shit. However, remember, with a hotel, you're not only paying for your actual room, but also the casino that it's in. And, I'm telling you, you'll likely be sorely disappointed by Circus Circus. It's old and it was build way back when Vegas - and this is not a lie - actually tried to market itself as a "family oriented" place. Back in the early 80s, Circus Circus was the place that parents took their kids on a family vacation to Vegas because Circus Circus had a bunch of lame ass shit for kids. Yeah, notice how well that shit caught on? Vegas eventually wisened up and was like, "WTF? We aren't family friendly. Fuck families. We're all about sin and debauchery and silicone and high heels and strip shows. Fuck kids and family hugs and all that nonsense." And Vegas has never looked back. However, you still have that dinosaur Circus Circus, which now is able to lure in patrons only by offering dirt-cheap hotel prices. With Vegas - as in most things in life - you get what you pay for. By the way, Circus Circus isn't really on what I would consider "The Strip." Rather, IIRC, it's tucked kind of back and away - and definitely not in close proximity to the real "Strip." So, my advice is to pay the extra cash and stay at a nicer hotel, many of which have been named already in this thread. Like Kevin R, I've stayed at Monte Carlo (twice, actually) and can attest that it's a fine casino. What do you want to do when you're in Vegas? I realize you said you wanted to see a show and go to a nice dinner, but about the rest of your time there? Do you want to gamble? Sightsee? Walk the Strip? Go to strip clubs? Get and stay wasted? Knowing that would help us tailor our suggestions, I think. For instance, Kevin R said he wanted a spring break type atmosphere. If that's what you want, then I'd suggest staying at the Venetian, Caesar's, The Palms, or the Hard Rock. They cater to a younger crowd and have absolutely outrageous pools. You'll be there in late June. It'll he hot as fuck. And I'm telling you the best place to be will be at a really nice pool, especially if you want to party. This might sound crazy to some, but some of the most fun I've ever had in my entire life has been at pools in Vegas. It's just complete fucking debauchery at its finest. kickass mentioned the restaurant Olives, which is at the Bellagio. I cannot offer a better recommendation for a dinner in all of Vegas. Yeah, it's a little pricey - think something along the lines of a Hyde Park or Martini's - but it's not too "stuffy" and it allows you to see one of - IMHO - greatest spectacles in Vegas - the fountains at the Bellagio. During the day, the they do a fountain show every 30 minutes and, at night, it's every 15 minutes. It is one of the most amazing things you'll ever see. Fucking huge streams of water being shot 200 feet in the air = jaw-dropping awesome. Olives has a patio where you can eat outside right over the water and see the fountain show. Also, even if you're not eating outside on the patio (which might be a little uncomfortable in the Vegas heat), you can still just walk outside and watch the show when it's on and then walk back inside and finish eating. We were just in Vegas a month ago and Olives was one of the few things on our "must do list." I realize that in all of my rambling that I might be coming across as a bit elitist. However, I guess, when it comes to Vegas, either you go big or you shouldn't bother going. Shit there isn't exactly cheap, and trying to manage your pocketbook in Vegas just seems so, well, wrong. This isn't to say you can't go there and have a good time for pennies. It's just that I can't do that.
  17. My point is the car is ugly. It had better be fast because, if it wasn't, then it would just be fucking ugly. And, yeah, if the car showed up in my driveway, I'd say something to the effect of, "Wow, awesome, a Veyron - but fuck that's an ugly car." P.S. I don't have a sister, but I'd stab you in the face to ride in one.
  18. Me either. Also, I fully agree with many of the other comments - the Veyron looks retarded.
  19. markable. I haven't seen it, so thanks for posting. That Veyron moved out.
  20. In a completely platonic, non-erotic sort of way?
  21. Haha, no thanks - I'd like to keep my back off the proverbial couch.
  22. Why is someone trying to make the argument that mods have to attend CR meets to somehow have the authority to be mods? What does one have to do with the other? Nothing, I think. I don't have any problems with the mods. Never have, really. Even if I did, then it wouldn't matter - this is a private site, I don't have any say about how this place is goverened, and it's a privilege to be here, not a right. In my time here, I've seen plenty of people bitch and complain about the mods, and it's usually about a mod deleting a post or locking something or banning someone. While I can appreciate why someone wouldn't exactly like that, again, it doesn't really matter what they think or like or don't like, since it's a private site. *shrug* As long as you have idiotic people doing and saying idiotic things and other people governing those people in some fashion, then you'll always have people bitching about something. It's a microcosm of our country and the nature of the beast.
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