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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I'm no Boise apologist. That being said, who exactly is "elite?" They handled Oregon pretty good last year - an Oregon team that stomped on everyone else except (and everyone since) Ohio State. Also, they handled Oregon State this year. Are Oregon and Oregon State elite? I dunno, that's debatable. But I know they aren't doormats.
  2. Just as an aside, you know that I've never once asked anyone, "How does that make you feel?" And that's in about 20 years of being in the field of psychology.
  3. Haha I'm getting owned all over the place here.
  4. Haha, so true. Again, more embarassed face for me.
  5. Rick, you picked up a cyber gray C6 Z06? Nice - pics?
  6. P.S. I don't think Auburn loses this week (but I think they'll get beat by Alabama), but I think Oregon loses to USC.
  7. First, I didn't claim Ohio State deserved to be in the NCG. I only said that people won't automatically qualify them for NCG status if they beat Virginia Tech like some were when Boise State did. Second, Ohio State plays in the Big Ten, which is considerably more difficult than the WAC. Toledo and Eastern Michigan are about as difficult as most conference teams in the WAC. Third, I agree - they haven't really played a hard schedule. The implication there is that maybe Ohio State's lack of competition caused them to be unprepared for the adversity at Wisconsin. I tend to think it didn't, but it's plausible. Miami was ranked fairly highly ranked and thought of highly when they came to Columbus - in fact, a lot of pundits were calling for Miami to win that game.
  8. Well played, my friend. The Darth Vadar in your avatar reminds me that I think the commercials for The Force Unleashed II game are about fucking awesome. And I don't even know that much about Star Wars.
  9. A lot can happen in a couple of weeks. For instance, this past week I put on 15 pounds of muscle AND scored a 780 on the math portion of the GRE. Oddly, P90X helped me achieve both.
  10. I heard about that through the grapevipe. I'll just kind of shrug my shoulders and leave it at that.
  11. I've been a way for a while, so I haven't caught up on the entire thread - instead, I was lazy and just read the past few posts. But I wanted to comment on Boise State. I'll be the first to say that Boise State can play with any team in a one-game-type scenario. They have the very real potential to beat Oregon, Ohio State, Alambama, whoever. However, I take a bit of issue with the fact that people claim that, because Boise beat Virginia Tech and Oregon State that it somehow legitimizes their claim to play in the NCG. Put it this way: if Ohio State beat Virginia Tech in the first game of this year, would everyone be saying, "Ohio State deserves to play in the NCG - look they beat Virginia Tech!!1!" - ? I don't think anyone would. Yet, a lot of people are saying that about Boise. It's failed logic to me.
  12. Wow, okay, so I've been gone for a minute. Sorry, been busy with work and all that. You know how it goes. Anyway, a few thoughts: - Eli, you're brilliant. You had me rolling with the "At first I was like..." thread. *applause* - Thanks for all the kind words about both the Z06 and the TV interview. As for the former, sorry that I came across as a bit of a whiner. Not sure what had gotten into me about that. A moment of weakness? Who cares. I should be less of a girl next time. As for the latter, of course the NBC reporter used one of the worst parts of the interview. I was cringing when I watched it - it is me, or when you watch yourself on TV or hear yourself on a recording you think you look/sound like a complete moron? - whoever posted Mr. Shnauzie needs rep, ASAP. God, Mr. Shnauzie makes me laugh. - all of you who I haven't hung out with in a while (and you know who you are): get on the text and hit me up. Okay, so what else have I missed in the past several months?
  13. That and I have pretty awesome abs. PS - Haven't seen you in like 16 years, dude - what's up?
  14. They're all fairly flammable...should I still post?
  15. Maybe it's just me, but I don't see how someone's car catching on fire is ever funny?
  16. ...when the Z06 that I used to own caught on fire, it wasn't even mine. In fact, I had sold it a few weeks prior to that. However, for consideration of the new owner, I didn't let on that I had actually sold the car. I thought everyone would be sad for a little while, some people would make some snide comments, and then everything would kind of go away. I guess I was wrong. I know, to the vast majority of CR, this doesn't matter in the least. However, it seems like I can't visit CR anymore without some smartass (like the infinitely classy Dr. Rick) making some disparaging comment about me in reference to that incident. Quite frankly, I'm a bit tired of it. It's kind of fucked up that my lasting legacy here is my car caught on fire when, in fact, it wasn't even my car when that happened. So, please keep this in consideration the next time you decide to take a shot at my expense. I don't mind the flames - no pun intended - but I think it's only fair that you know that making fun of me for that technically doesn't make much sense. /sand in my vagina
  17. You're right, LJ, your reasoning is way over my head. I'll leave well enough alone here and return to munching on crazy pills.
  18. The first thing you said doesn't make any sense and I think it's because of a typo. I think you meant to say he doesn't deserve the backlash because BP has said he isn't in charge of cleanup anymore. I respectfully disagree with that opinion, but not really as much as what you might think I do. I just think it was a judgment error on his part to go yachting right now. He should have picked something else to do. The second thing you said doesn't make sense to me either, but I can't blame that on a typo. I think it's because you just completely missed the sarcasm in my post. Here's the point: dads aren't obligated to do extravagant things with their kids on Father's Day. As for your third point, I'm glad you can appreciate my level of ultra-awesome brain powah. Still, though, I think you did actually bring up Obama, not me. Did you not re-read your post? I even quoted it - you started talking about how Obama golfs more than Bush and a bunch of other stuff, and the inference was fairly clear to me. Am I taking crazy pills here? You didn't make a thread about The PODUS, you made a thread about the CEO of BP. Make another thread and I might comment in it about how much of a douche Obama has seemed in someway or another. Obama's lack of judgment is no excuse for the CEO's.
  19. 1. Yes, the CEO can do whatever he wants. However, what he opts to do might be met with backlash. That's what this entire thread is about. 2. So maybe we should blame the son for all of this, since he really likes yachting and, well, the CEO dad is absolutely powerless to tell his son something like, "Um, no, we aren't going yachting this year son. After all, it's Father's Day, not Son's Day, so it looks like I'll be the grown-up here and call the shots." Yeah, that makes sense, let's go with that. 3. No wait, I like your "but Obama is a real jerk" angle a bit better. Yes, really, this is all Obama's fault. Maybe while we're at it we can pinpoint Obama as the second gunman on the grassy knoll.
  20. Whoever picked Johnny Cage is awesome. Did anyone pick Rayden? He was my favorite.
  21. Yes, the CEO deserves the heat he's taking - just my humble opinion. It was a questionable move at best. Of course, it's easy for us to criticize in hindsight. Still, though, he should have been better. And LJ, quit with the lame "but it was Father's Day" bit. There's no rule that says fathers are obligated to go yachting on Father's Day. There are a hundred things he could have done to quietly spend a meaningful day with his children that didn't involve calling a bunch of unwanted attention to himself.
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