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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Oh, hey, we're comparing wallet sizes now? Mine's as big as your queer clown mobile. So, now that's settled, what do you want to compare next? IQs? Cars? Dick sizes? Headshots? Side profiles? Abs? Ex-girlfriends? I'll be glad to own you in all those categories. Believe the hype, bitch ass noob.
  2. Maybe he was a little stumped by the attempt at humor?
  3. LOL @ Hal flaming his fiancee. BTW, welcome, Ashley.
  4. Awesome news, very glad he chose OSU. Should give us a definite weapon and a new dimension.
  5. Okay, first, the obvious, yes, I would hit it. Saying you wouldn't hit it doesn't make you gay, just slightly homosexual. Second, is this a photochop? (No pun intended, BTW.) Admittedly, I'm no expect on photograph analysis, etc., but the second pic seems a little odd if, in fact, she doesn't have a left leg. First, notice how well her jeans are filled out on the left side - if she was missing her leg, I guess, I dunno, it wouldn't be filled out as fully or something? Also, in that second pic, it looks as though her weight is shifted on her left leg, as though that side of her body is supporting her weight, though that wouldn't be possible if she didn't have a left leg. And a third thing, that looks like a lot of bandages to wear on a stump that wasn't just recently amputated. Again, I'm far from an expert here, but I'm not sure people who have amputated limbs put that many bandages on their stumps. Instead, that looks like the amount of bnadages you would put on a stump right after it was amputated. But, we would assume that her leg didn't just get amputated, since, well, she looks like she's on vacation and looks pretty happy. Wow, enough with the overanalysis. She has big, hot boobs, and that's all that counts.
  6. What the gay is up with this thread?
  7. The old Members' Only warehouse?
  8. Fox News did a piece on it last night as well and played up the fact that it was a drag race. They mentioned that someone was killed in a drag race in the same spot in 1997. For this race/wreck, they interviewed a guy that actually called 911 as the race was occuring. He didn't say much beyond giving a description of how fast they were going when they passed him.
  9. That might be relevant if that was what I was, in fact, eating, but then you'd still be wrong. You've managed to fail twice in one post.
  10. You are absolutely correct. Which, you know, there has to be more to life than being really, really ridiculously good looking. Perhaps its being ridiculously good looking and cool simultaneously?
  11. I kept getting obscene text messages... BTW, this thread could use some pics, rite?
  12. LOL @ Eli and DJ both taking shots at this guy. Haven't seen a beatdown in the making like this in a while. Also, Noob Nad, sometimes it pays to STFU. If you lie very still and say nothing, maybe everyone will become distracted by something else.
  13. Not really. If all this money wasn't spent foolishly on cars, then it would be spent foolishly elsewhere. Besides, it's my money, so I'll spend it how I like, foolish or not. Regardless, regret rarely, if ever, enters my thinking.
  14. No lie, I'm actually eating the chocolate Cadbury Eggs right now. NOM NOM NOM
  15. Yes, oddly, he did. You're good at this, Jimmy Notchback. :zoom: Seriously, yes, that did happen.
  16. I talked to Scott Weiland on an elevator in The Palms in Vegas about two years ago.
  17. I hear ya. I'll ask around to see if I come up with any names.
  18. P.S. Sorry, I don't have a referral for an attorney that will work on a contingency basis.
  19. He got punched and then fired? Wow, sounds like an awesome company to work for. "Okay, well, John, for your performance review, I'm going to punch you in the face. Now then, what's next? Oh, yes, you're fired."
  20. Who here even drives a Colt? And who there still drives a Colt?
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