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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I didn't need to even see the experiment after they explained the physics/mechanics involved.
  2. Bwahaha! I just keep replaying the first several seconds. The fact that it makes an audible *thump* when it makes contact with the back of his head makes it all that much funnier.
  3. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/23/PA-29.svg/600px-PA-29.svg.png
  4. Someone needs to come up with one of those inspirational posters featuring a picture of a library with the caption: "The Library: It's like the Blockbuster for books."
  5. Damn you, 360Iroc and your triple-post block pic.
  6. No, actually, it was on fire both times I was there, but I didn't want to say anything to alarm very excitable people like you.
  7. Whoa. I've stayed at the Monte Carlo twice. It wasn't on fire either time I stayed.
  8. It was really humid that day and they didn't have all the fans they usually have there to keep the engine cool.
  9. Yeah, unfortunately, I bought mine after the cut-off date. Had I not, I would have been looking at a claim in the area of $17K.
  10. Them holding the dog's legs like that seemed to be a fairly effective way of keeping it from chewing on them.
  12. Uh, buddy, I got a dyno sheet that says 400rwhp, and my car only weighs 3000lbs (since I took out some stuff), which means that I should be able to run a 11.xx quarter mile with a good launch. So I am not even sure what you are talking about being faster than me. And racing for money I'm not really sure about but what the hell I will because Mustangs are a LOT heavier than Z06's so pretty much you're screwed.
  13. Yup, I did and won!!! Cobras are pretty much the fastest things out there from what I have heard, so if you're not as fast as one of those then maybe me and you shouldn't race because I already beat one. Wait, how fast are you?
  14. I came across this on another site, and it reminded me of the recent thread (I think started by Hal) in which being attacked by a dog was discussed. http://www.dumpalink.com/videos/Invincible_pit_bull-7h37.html
  15. Whatever, haters! Badazgt, is it true you have a blower? Once I raced a guy that had a blower on his Mustang - it was one of those Terminator ones - and it was a pretty good race though I ended up beating him by about one car. I don't run spray anymore after having some problems with it a while back.
  16. I agree completely. Though I didn't watch the show, I got the strong suspicion based just on the previews that most of it would be/is staged.
  17. I would so rock a Grand National. Buy that car right now.
  18. I have a dyno sheet of my 04 Z06 that proves that I make 400rwhp. I'll race you anywhere, anytime, anyhow. Let me know.
  19. Sean, sorry to hear about that. Yes, that does suck, badly. Glad to hear she's okay, though.
  20. When I first got an email account on AOL in 1996, this video was in my inbox.
  21. I just threw a flash grenade at someone on my own team.
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