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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Hey Magnum, this is Blue Steel. Great convo; we should talk again sometime. kthnxbye
  2. Listen, what this thread needs is more chicks. Here's one; I think her eyebrows looked penciled-in. Not cool? True, not cool. Yet, would I kick her out for eating crackers in bed? Not unless Crackers was the name of the family dog. http://www.askmen.com/specials/2005_top_99/celebs/81_pamela_anderson.jpg
  3. What new stadium? I heard there were plans to replace the RCA Dome; what more has happened? (I didn't think you meant Conseco Fieldhouse, which is a lot newer than the RCA Dome, but wouldn't have nearly the seating capacity for a bowl/football game.) (FYI, I hope I'm not coming across as antagonistic toward you. I realize I keep badgering you with questions in this thread; sorry if I'm coming across the wrong way.)
  4. I didn't say it was right for girls to have penciled-in eyebrows or that I think that sort of thing is hot, I just said those two girls are pretty hot, and they are. Continue to disagree with me on that point and continue to make yourself appear gay. *shrug*
  5. Uh, actually, Eric, those two girls are pretty hot. Seriously, that pic is not helping your argument.
  6. This is one of the greatest posts I have ever seen. Complete and utter ownage.
  7. What is this? A center for ants????
  8. Wow, let's take more time to hate on someone for being fortunate enough to have money. Listen, it's not your money, so you don't get a say in how it's spent. End of simple story.
  9. Dr. Pomade

    WVU v. OU

    WVU looked awesome. I was glad to see them win, especially considering everything they've endured the past few weeks and the fact that no one was giving them much of a shot to win this game. Glad OU got drilled; effectively eliminates them from the "oh, we're the hottest team and should be #1"" talk. OU has now lost their past four BCS games. Yikes. Did anyone catch the pouting OU band girl? I think it was in the first half, the camera zoomed in on her, she was playing a flute or something, she stops playing and then gets this very pouty look on her face while emphatically crossing her arms. My girlfriend and I lost it when we saw that; we were like, "Is she really pouting on national television?!? This is great!"
  10. When people watch stuff like this, does anyone else ever think it's just staged? Maybe I'm just eternally skeptical. Or omnipotent.
  11. Liken in what way? HAR HAR HAR HARDY HAR
  12. O RLY? Well, if you're so smart, then how come
  13. Hmm, this man has a very good point. I'm also feeling obligated to point out that these particular werewolves were also cross-dressers, which, of course, only makes them even less conventional. You're definitely on to something, I think; this attack has unconventional written all over it.
  14. Agreed, to a point. (Not that there's necessarily a counter-point to what you said, just that I realize there are limitations to any system. Think about the Superbowl - they wouldn't move the site to somewhere other than Glendale if the Arizona Cardinals happened to make it there this year, would they?) To add to your argument/gripe, though, is the fact that LSU is basically playing the NC in their backyard. A couple of other thoughts: USC and Georgia looked dominant. Like scary dominant. Both of those teams should be screaming for a playoff, and I'd hate to be the team to run up against them in one this year. Fact is, though, there isn't a playoff, so, well, too bad. OSU had - by far - the most dominant team in the nation in 1998 but didn't get to play for the NC because they lost at home to Michigan State. I am willing to bet a huge sum of money that OSU would have throttled Tennessee (i.e., the national champs that year) in a bowl had they played. But, of well, those are the breaks - you don't win when you are supposed to and you're out.
  15. Chris, I completely agree. Give this guy a fucking gold star for hitting the nail squarely on the head.
  16. I was too busy reading about your "Snake on a Plane" adventure in the other thread to post a third consecutive time.
  17. Agreed. Contrary to what's been implied in this thread, Herbstreit, at least in my opinion, is an excellent announcer and commentator. He's bright, articulate, measured, and accurate. And he's got good hair. Mike Tirico is another announcer that I think is good. I would say Al Michaels is probably the best play-by-play announcer I've ever heard. Bob Costas is also up there, too.
  18. Methinks the sexual offender doth protest too much. LOL, yeah, that's awesome. Of course, we all know you're only 23.
  19. No, more like gnawed on; often I will distract werewolves by allowing them to munch on one arm while I prepare my weapon with the other. Normally, that would hurt, but it helps that I'm impervious to conventional harm.
  20. Seriously, I'm unsure where I stand on this issue. I've been attacked by dogs before (i.e., more than one dog at once), fought them off, but got injured. My thinking is that, if the dog was of adequate size and determination, then, no, you couldn't escape without serious risk of injury.
  21. I just fought off a pack of werewolves reading this thread. I know, technically, werewolves aren't dogs, so it doesn't really have that much relevance to this thread, but I figured I'd self-disclose anyway.
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