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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Neonkiller is away from his desk right now, so, in his place, you'll be racing a TT Z06.
  2. I was put off by that notion at first as well, and the purist in me still thinks he should have been a gun. But, I guess the director (or whoever) wanted to maintain some sense of realism (I know, I know, realism?) insofar as, when they transformed, they should be the equivalent in size (i.e., they didn't want Megatron being this 70-foot robot that, when he transforms, shrinks into a 6-foot long gun). (On a side note, though, they still made the Cube shrink in a seemingly inexplicable fashion, so not sure why they could have done the same with Megatron.) Also, I think having him being an aircraft worked well, and, besides, at one point he morphs (or something) to form a big ass fucking gun on his arm and then jacks up Optimus with it, which was pretty cool.
  3. Yup, I think they set it up perfectly for just that scenario - Starscream survives, retrieves Megatron and the other busted Decepticons, jettisons them off Astrotrain (or whatever that one Transformer's name is), and then we get Galvatron. I'm totally fine with that as long as (1) we don't have to put up with Rodimus Prime or, more importantly (2) Matthew Broderick providing the voice for Hot Shot/Rodimus. /things I hated about the first Transformers movie
  4. Saw it last night. Definitely one of the best five movies I have ever seen, period. I'm ranking it up there with the LOTR movies, which is, for me, about as good as it gets. BTW, I went into this movie with a lot of skepticism. I'm old school, I had Transformers as a kid, I watched the cartoons - I saw the original Transformers movie in the theater - so I know the story lines, the background, and so forth. In short, I was expecting to be disappointed. I was not. A few random thoughts. Warning, the following could be perceived as *SPOILERS*. - I wish Megatron would have been featured a bit more in the movie. He's always been my favorite, so I was hoping he'd get more screentime. Though, honestly, I thought they did a good job with him in terms of his demeanor, the dialogue, and even his appearance. They certainly captured the essence of Megatron. - the sequence with Starscream toward the end - transforming repeatedly while taking out a squadron of planes - was perhaps one of the coolest sequences I've ever seen in any movie. - the chick with the dark hair and blue eyes is a future ex-Mrs. Tilley. - at the end, after the battle with Megatron, does Optimus say something to effect of "Sorry, brother, I had no other choice" or was that the kid? I was a little confused on that one for a few reasons. - who LOL'ed when Jazz said, "What's up little bitches?" - this movie should break every fucking movie box-office record known to man. It deserves it.
  5. Make the connection and I'll make it happen. Done deal, sweet tits.
  6. Dr. Pomade


    Listen, you just drive, I'll cash in on it, and we're all fucking cool.
  7. I can totally respect that, and I am all about respecting strippers. Please hook me up so I can respect her some more. TIA.
  8. Dr. Pomade


    It's a quote from a song, Leilani.
  9. Is this girl a stripper or something? Please say yes or this thread will lose all of my interest.
  10. Dr. Pomade


    I have. I'm not sure if it was seven or a full eight buslengths I put on it. Listen, if you ain't gonna ride fly then you might as well hate me.
  11. That's not such a bad thing, though, if you're considering what chicks usually think when it comes to cars. Girl: "Hi, nice car. Is that a Porsche?" Guy with Porsche: "Yeah." Girl: "Wow, it is fast?" Guy with Porsche (knowing his $40K Porsche would get manhandled by a bolt-on LS1): "Uh, yeah, it's super fucking fast. You wanna ride?" Girl: "Yes, and is it okay to take my panties off when I get in?"
  12. Can this thread be any more fucking vague? Post a link or something, retard.
  13. Christ, it looks horrible - I'll have a talk with him about that and get him a better pic or something. P.S. I also spied a certain black 03 Cobra in there as well. Meow.
  14. I didn't even see my car on there. Then again, I didn't stay on there long - MySpace pages make me want to shoot myself in the face.
  15. If it's Cameron (i.e., Kurt's son), then it's fine - Cameron is probably cooler than half the people on this site and has attended over 50 meets the past three years.
  16. Because Hua is a ninja, and his camera is badass.
  17. We went to Papa Boo's that day. Will definitely look up your friend at Captain Woody's the next time we're out there. And we always tip well.
  18. LOL, seriously? Then it's a good thing that Linn most certainly did NOT happen to shear away the tops of dozens of those things en route to wiping out 20-feet deep into them, and we most certainly did NOT laugh hysterically watching him not do that.
  19. LOL. Awesome pics; looked even better in person. On another note, what the ghey is up with the threadjack? Dumbass.
  20. Is that your engine or mine? Roll racing is popular, I think, because it's relatively convenient to do (i.e., you just drive out on a freeway and have at it) and you can do lots of it in a relatively brief amount of time. Also, as it's been said, roll racing largely reduces the driver factor (i.e., driver error), which makes it more appealing to people who aren't that comfortable drag racing or comfortable with their car. Purists would contend, I think, that "true" street racing is dig racing, and I would be inclined to agree. Not that one is necessarily "better" than the other, at least in my perspective, they're just different. I do both, and I've broken plenty of stuff doing both. It's an expensive fucking hobby, you know?
  21. I guess they were right when they predicted the price of milk to rise dramatically this summer. Nice ride, homie. Let's roll, bitch!
  22. Kevin R, this is your PM box. I'm full; please clear out some space in me. TIA, and love me do.
  23. Dr. Pomade

    yellow vette

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