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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. 1. Dr. Rick 2. Homophobia 3. An overdue suicide attempt.
  2. 1. V8KILR 2. A liberal. 3. A lesbian.
  3. 1. A bag of Skittles 2. Abraham Lincoln 3. Gearhead Rob.
  4. 1. Little Orphan Annie 2. Oprah 3. A gamma ray.
  5. 1. John Tilley 2. Sam Demeter 3. Jon Linn
  6. 1. Ghandi 2. Aqua Man 3. A stapler.
  7. Dr. Pomade


    Quite possibly the worst introductory post. Ever.
  8. 1. Jesus 2. Chuck Norris 3. A Z06.
  9. You're good, you're good, you're good, NOT YOU.
  10. I'm down for some action. Post up where and when, or shoot me a PM. I might bring a car or two more. I've been wanting to get some video footage.
  11. That's one of the most amazing videos I've ever seen. Completely badass.
  12. Werd. Though, it was great to hang out with some of the Cleveland guys. Met quite a few people last night, and that's always cool. We owe you guys a trip up there next. We should plan for something this summer, like around mid-July.
  13. Cool. Sam and I are rolling up there from IPS @ noon. Not sure what your situation is, but, if you want, you can meet us and we can cruise up from there.
  14. http://easydoesituniversity.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/06/clown-carrottop.jpg
  15. None taken. The Kumhos were far from my choice of tires, but, at the time they were put on, a lot of other tires weren't in stock and the understanding was that the car needed rubber on the rears ASAP. So, they were more like an interim tire at best. That sounds about right...
  16. Not sure why you keep making inneundos that I want to physically confront you in some way.
  17. I'm still waiting for you to find a functional cerebral cortex.
  18. Not exactly; you're a hypocrite, and I'm not. Jesus, please help V8KILR with things like reading and logic and understanding stuff. He really needs help. Oh, also, could you make sure that I don't put a hole in my piston when I run 20+ pounds of boost? Thanks in advance for that one, Jesus.
  19. Huh? How exactly did I put words in your mouth? Is this how you debate things? Just make shit up as you go along? _____________________________________________________________ Tilley: Well, I'd like to think that evolution by natural selection is a viable theory from a scientific standpoint. V8KILR: Actually, the person who came up with the theory of evolution by natural selection committed suicide because God told him to. Tilley: Darwin didn't commit suicide. V8KILR: Yes he did. And he was gay. And that's why God didn't like him. Tilley: Uh, I'm pretty sure you just made that up. V8KILR: I think you just made up what you said. Tilley: You're not making any sense. V8KILR: I claim victory in the name of the Lord! ____________________________________________________________ And, don't get your panties in a bunch - by "issues," I mean that you and I will be forced to continue this discussion, which, as a result, will either end in you looking silly or me repeatedly bashing my head into a wall.
  20. Honestly, I don't feel all that comfortable disclosing that information on a semi-public forum. No offense to you, though.
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