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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. LOL - good response. I'm afraid I don't have enough knowledge of either's political record to speak cogently on how they may fare as President. Yet, I can say confidently that I find Guiliani a bit arrogant - it's the whole "I was Mayor of New York and New York Owns All" bit that I don't particularly like.
  2. It's been a while since I've seen a post this chock full of flame fodder. Given this post, the over/under on your survival on CR is now 2 days. Good luck.
  3. Yes, I'd suggest you stop assuming what my political affiliation is and just take my post for what it was: a statement grounded in logic. Again, you don't need to be a left-wing liberal to think Bush sucks. Conversely, assuming that all criticisms of Bush must come from left-wing liberals is, well, illogical.
  4. I think that sort of tactic is actually wholly legal in some states, and, if I remember correctly, in a number of southern states. Our law here is much more liberal with respect to the "rights" of motorists/speeders; in some states, I don't think that the officer needs to be visible at all in order for you to be caught.
  5. You don't have to be a "left-wing liberal" to think that Bush sucks as a President.
  6. If I am remembering the law correctly, it stipulates that, in order to receive a citation, the officer must be in a clearly-marked police vehicle (i.e., a car that says "POLICE" on it) or in uniform (i.e., he can be in an unmarked car, but he has to then be in his police uniform), and his vehicle must be visible from the road. This latter part is what I think you are referring to. My understanding is this: if its dark, then the officer at least needs to have on his parking/running lights, but doesn't need to have on his headlights, but can't be sitting completely concealed in darkness, either. Again, it's been a while since I referenced the actual letter of the law, so I may be a little or even completely wrong here. We have a few law enforcement guys on here - maybe they will chime in with the official word on this. BTW, if I'm correct, and, if I am understanding you correctly, you got a citation for speeding at night by a cop that was sitting without any lights on at all on the side of the road, then prooving that he didn't have any lights on at all would be difficult unless you have videotape of him not having any lights on. It would essentially boil down to your word against his, and, well, your screwed if it comes to that.
  7. Consider it a medal of honor from the battlefield of sex.
  8. I would assume that it would.
  9. Park a Nissan Skyline out in front of your house; all squirrels within a four mile radius will leech on to it in a matter of minutes.
  10. If I thought it would scar you in the way your fucking nun eating shit vid you posted scarred me, then I would.
  11. LOL, no. He edited out the part I was referring to.
  12. I saw something in your post, and it immediately made me stop reading. I will give you one guess what it was that caused me to post this quickly and then get away from your post.
  13. Just like a regular C6 Z06? Yes, I guess that demands the highest levels of security. /sarcasm
  14. Ben, congratulations, you're all grown up. Seriously, don't listen to the haters; they'll all be begging to come over this summer once your house parties and what not are all the rage.
  15. Yeah, I'm the "a la carte" type of guy, so I can't say much on the package deal things. In all honesty, I didn't even know they offered anything like that. Rule of thumb for me while in Vegas: $1000 per day for gambling, $100 per day for food/drink. I would think that $500 per day for gambling and $50 per day for food/drink would work in Windsor. I might even be able to cut both those figures in half again ($250/$25) if I were on a major budget, but, if it got to that point, I'd say to myself, "Then why in the fuck am I even going?" and then I wouldn't go. That's me, though. For you, I guess you have to determine how much you like to gamble, how much you want to gamble, what you like to gamble on, and how much you need to eat/drink while you are gambling.
  16. Anthony, be sure to take your passport. If you don't have one, then I would definitely take along your birth certificate along with (obviously) your ID. Getting into Canada usually isn't the problem; instead, they've been known to be pissy when trying to get back into the US. To avoid the hassle, have a passport or your birth certificate and ID. Casino Windsor is nice. There's plenty to do there and plenty of gambling. Sure, it's not Vegas, but only Vegas is Vegas. You should have plenty of fun. The area surrounding the casino (i.e., the city of Windsor) is crappy, IMO - kind of like campus here in CLB. There are a few good strip clubs there, though. Detroit - on the other side of Windsor - has a few casinos, but none of them are anywhere close to as nice as Casino Windsor. And, besides, going to casinos in Detroit mean that you actually have to go into Detroit. Uh, yeah. My advice would be don't even consider going to Detroit for gambling.
  17. This is by far one of the smartest things ever posted on this board.
  18. JP, my impression is that the upper levels of CR management (e.g., Anthony and Chris) have grown tired of hearing Powers rip on IPS (for whatever reason). In that spirit, I'd imagine that they simply had his thread deleted. It is, after all, their little piece of cyberspace, so they can make up the rules (and bend them, break them, and so forth) as they see fit. I'd guess this thread will be deleted too if it happens to morph into another "Powers v. IPS" thread or anything akin to such. On another note, you should knwo better than to put something in your sig without at least doing a quick spellcheck on it first.
  19. The north side was utter chaos - police shut down several major on-ramps (e.g., at Polaris Parkway and 71 southbound). (I managed to circumvent the shut-downs and eventually got on 71 S.) 71 northbound was closed due to a wreck somewhere around the Hudson Ave area. What was odd is that, after you got into the split (at least heading eastbound), it was completely dry - no dusting, no wet pavement, nothing.
  20. I hear you loud and clear, Johnny Tran. See you at Race Wars then.
  21. What mods are you planning that will add 100rwhp? Spray? H/C? Forced induction? Hmm, noob, hmm?
  22. It wasn't, and I could enter the military today and probably be your commanding officer.
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