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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. +1. Great rule of thumb.
  2. 400whp in a 2000lbs car would be a lot of fun.
  3. Two triple posts, one page. Fait accompli. *bow*
  4. What kind of Cobra do you have than only weighs 2000lbs?!?
  5. Agree with first sentence and laughing at your second one. I swear, the ego of Viper guys make the ego's of Supra and Corvette guys look modest.
  6. Yes, but the Pinks guy could kill you in a less than a second by careening an out-of-control bike into your body.
  7. The master of the triple post has returned!11!1!!!
  8. Is that Cobra Kevin and Kyle (with Zavier as the chase/camera car)?
  9. LOL, because it's true, or because I misspelled pavement? (Or was that some kind of Freudian slip on my part?)
  10. Yeah, my perspective is that, with the LSx motors, you're essentially running on borrowed time after you start modding them substantially on the stock bottom end. Honestly, with the exception of Linn's LS1, I don't know of another LSx handling that kind of beating on the stock bottom end without popping. Sure, sometimes, like him, you get lucky and get a freakish block, but, still, it's just a matter of time. I guess the same could be said for the 03's bottom ends, but you need to apply less "stress" (e.g., less spray) in order to make the same (or better) numbers - as a result, they tend to be more durable.
  11. Buy it. Immediately. LOL, yeah, for sure, I'll try to get as much as I can out of a glorified dyno pass, but, for the street, I running in the area of 750rwhp will be plenty for most days/nights. Honestly, the 03 Cobras are monsters when it comes to modability. Also, they're heavy, but sturdy. The LS1 is, of course, a god amongst engines, but, they tend to be a bit more fickle, and they simply cannot compete with the 03 Cobra in terms of modability for the buck.
  12. Exactly. 600rwhp to the payment > 1200rwhp spinning and spinning and spinning. I'm honestly worried about the same thing; who cares about how much HP you make if all you can do with it is do sweet rolling burnouts? Thorne, I don't think that video really does that Supra justice in terms of how "quick" is it. Instead, the in-car video of it versus that other Supra (that was filmed out in Arizona) is probably more reflective of how truly fast it is. Also, there's a video of it racing a Hornet, and that video also gives a good perspective on how quick the Supra moves out. (IIRC, there's footage at the end of the Hornet video of the Supra racing a boosted Civic or Integra or something - that is, a car that isn't super fast - and the Supra just annhilates it.)
  13. So, they suspended Simon indefinitely. I haven't caught SportsCenter yet today, so I'm not sure if the NHL has levied their final punishment yet. They were guessing that he'll get in the area of 40 games for it. BTW, I'm with a lot of the posters in this thread who've said that a certain amount of instrumental violence/fighting are an integral part of hockey. And, not to mention, it is entertaining as hell - the loudest it gets in Nationwide is when Shelley squares off with someone.
  14. LOL, fuck if I click that. Get me once, shame on you. Get me twice...
  15. Yeah, $15K for an 03 Cobra would make me suspicious. Though, if you could find one (that wasn't obviously jacked up), then that would be the way to go in terms of bang-for-the-buck modability. With a pulley and a tune (i.e., about, oh, $300), you can easily put down in the area of 450rwhp. Add just a small (read: SAFE) dry shot to that (for a total of, say, $700 more for the nitrous kit), and your pushing 500rwhp all day long, and that's plenty enough to own 85 percent of the cars you'll come across on the highway. Believe me, I know.
  16. The halo effect refers to the tendency to illogically assign a host of favorable traits to an individual when only one actual favorable trait is known. For instance, if I were to show a test subject a photograph of a physically attractive person, and ask the test subject to rate in another of other areas (e.g., intelligence, social adeptness, wisdom, psychological stability), the test subject - as a result of the halo effect - would rate the person in the photograph as being high on those other traits (i.e., the test subject would opine that the person in the photograph is also intelligent, socially adept, wise, and psychologically stable). That would be, of course, illogical, since the test subject really has no basis for rating that person on the other attributes, but nevertheless inflates them simply as a product of the person's physical attractiveness. Hence, the halo effect. What I think you may be referring to here is the devil effect, which is based on the same principle, but just opposite in effect of the halo effect - a person is rated as being negative in numerous areas when it is judged that they are negative in one area. So, in the above example, a physically unattractive person in the photograph would be rated lower in other areas (e.g., the would be judged to be less intelligent, socially inept, naive, and psychologically unstable).
  17. Alex, thanks for posting up those vids. I heard about the Simon-Hollweg thing this morning and had wanted to see the vid of it. My thoughts: -Simon looked like he was attempting to seriously injure Hollweg with that chop; had the stick had a sharper edge, we would assume a swing like that could have resulted in, what, decapitation? Way, way out of line. -yeah, I recall the McSorley incident. I also recall the trial (where he was prosecuted for actual Assault) and Gretzky testify on McSorley's behalf as a character witness. Essentially Gretzky said that McSorley protected his ass for a number of years and is essentially a great guy that just happens to be an enforcer (i.e., a trained badass/hitman on the ice). -the McSorley hit didn't seem as bad as the other two because, I guess, Brashear is an enforcer too, and I know he's done a bunch of bad shit in his time. I don't know much about the victims in the other two cases, but I don't think either of them are enforcers. I know, it's stupid logic for me to say "what happened to Brashear isn't as bad because he's a dick," but, I still can't help feeling that way
  18. Gearhead Rob, you're more clever than I thought.
  19. 2003. It's a Limited Edition - I'm not sure if the Sport Edition has them.
  20. And Johnny Bravo has been the greatest addition to CR evar. I make myself laugh all the time. Good job, me.
  21. Kevin R. and Hal have been two of the best additions to CR in a while. Both of you routinely make me laugh.
  22. Yeah, before any of you start getting bright ideas, I'm very much a patriot and love my country. Not that I owe anyone an explanation on anything I hold political, I nevertheless feel compelled to say something to this effect just so this doesn't turn into some "OMG HE HATES THE US" nonsense.
  23. Dr. Pomade


    Also, the over/under on your lifespan on CR is now set at four days. Good luck, Creative Ian!
  24. Dr. Pomade


    This introductory post has been judged to fall somewhere between wet cement and a single slice of American cheese on the creativity scale.
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