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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. No, that's me on the far right.
  2. LOL fuckers! And no, Mike, it was Color Me Badd. Get it right, jerk.
  3. Sounds awesome. I'd like to attend - I heart FDs. This also reminds me of this time when, prior to a pretty big cruise to Dayton a few years ago, this one guy rolled up in a Cobra and parked in the middle of the bunch of FDs, got out, and screamed, "RX7 what?!?" That guy was pretty cool for doing that I think.
  4. The God of Irony is now laughing hysterically at you.
  5. Okay, maybe I misunderstood you. All better, yes? Now, we shall high five and then go to a strip club.
  6. I was being facetitious when I commented that Florida could have beaten the Celtics. It was a remark made with the same flavor as those made about the the Miami football team that was so dominant in 2000-2001 that people cracked that they could beat the Bengals. No, they couldn't, just like, no, Florida wouldn't beat the Celtics. I can't believe I had to type all of this.
  7. I'd put a slightly different spin on it and say it was Florida's fault they won, not OSU's fault they loss. Florida seemed downright unbeatable the way they played last night, considering (1) they appeared capable of hitting three-pointers at will; and (2) they came up with every loose ball and got every luck bounce. Hell, Florida could have beat the Celtics last night. I thought Oden played amazingly well. If there were any doubt about his leaving next season, he completely erased that last night. Had only OSU knocked down just a smaller percentage more of their three's...
  8. http://www.aperfectworld.org/cartoons/bitchslap.gif
  9. Dr. Pomade


    I need this to rid myself of all the demons that came with being at the National Championship game and having to sit in demoralizing horror at Florida scored over and over and over and their stupid fucking hillbilly fans - man, woman, and child alike - did stupid fucking Gator chomps and yelled "I'm proud - to be - a - Florida Gator - said - I'm proud - to be - a Florida Gator" ad nauseum. All the OSU fans wanted was something - ANYTHING - from OSU just so we could have some ammunition to fire back at the stupid Florida fucking Nation there in that stadium. Now, I need this, so that every fucking time I see a Florida fan I will mercilessly - and I mean mercilessly - hound them to the point of tears. They so have it coming; please, Baskeball Gods, deliver us this just this one time.
  10. Dr. Pomade


    You are dead to me.
  11. Haven't read your post, calling April Fools immediately.
  12. Not to speak for Shawn, but, yeah, not only do I think it's the only white Z06 on the board, it's the only white C5 Z06 I know in the city.
  13. http://www.gabbyattic3.com/truepix/vin%20diesel.jpg Hi Scotty 2 Hotty, this is Vin Diesel. I talked to you the other night in the Hooters parking lot. Remember how I was telling you that I wouldn't ever go back to prison and how I never narc'ed on nobody? Anyway, I'm glad to see you back on the Internets, and I'm glad my biceps are looking better than ever. Well, for the record, I think I'm a pretty good driver and a great breakdancer. See you at Hooters next week? Kthnxbye!
  14. Please tell me the red x is actually a pic of David Hasselhoff.
  15. Beware the rider of the pale horse, for he is Death, and Hell rides with him.
  16. True story. Lee Howie is single handedly behind my Z06 not running for a year - he simply concentrated for several seconds about my engine blowing up and it did.
  17. Going to Destroyers game, will maybe stop by after.
  18. http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/2660/rudehf9.gif
  19. I think you meant to say it sounded feminine, not feminist. If it sounded feminist, it would have read something like this: "I helped him build the car, though he tried to suppress me the whole time. It was like he refused to acknowledge me as his equal. So, with perseverance, I was able to gain equality in the garage."
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