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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Or, even better, just go test drive whatever you're thinking about. And ask the salesman to allow you to keep it overnight to see how it "fits" in your life and daily routine.
  2. True, you do see a lot of BMW's on the road, so they definitely aren't winning any "most exotic" contests. Also, I bet 90 percent+ of the population can't tell a 335 from an M5. In threads like this, I think it's probably prudent to give a certain amount of weight to the opinions of people who actually have owned the cars they're referencing. In these kinds of threads, the CTS-V always gets mentioned, though the majority of people suggesting them have never owned one and thus, can't attest to how it functions. In other words, plenty of guys here have no problems spending your money on a car they've never owned. Seriously interested in a CTS-V? Ask Clay and Kirk what they think. Wondering about a Porsche or an Audi? Talk to Andy. GTR? Jordan or Jones. And so on and so forth.
  3. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO http://www.landgrantholyland.com/2015/1/10/7524953/ohio-state-wr-devin-smith-misses-championship-game-media-day-due-to
  4. My M5 drives smaller than my C5Z. There are a fair amount of people - experts and lay people - who contend the 5 series is the best car on the market right now, just as an all-around great car that combines luxury and sportiness. I can't say I have found anything to date that would lead me to disagree. You know why I would shy away from the 3 series? Two reasons: (1) you can get better performance for about the same price in a 5 series and (2) 3 series just scream "$30K millionaire" to me. If it was a true daily driver, then I'm buying a 550i xdrive today and not thinking twice about it. Because we have an AWD SUV in the household, I had the luxury of going with the M5 (which I would not recommend as a true daily driver. given that on really bad weather days the M5 just probably isn't appropriate).
  5. I have. It looks like that one pigeon is wearing a scarf.
  6. This is what intelligent looks like.
  7. :lol: I completely lost it on the "who loves me?" - "nobody" one.
  8. I heard on The Fan yesterday the talk being that Urban and a lot of the players are talking with a lot of confidence and how this seems very unlike the Tressel era, in which players always seemed to say the politically correct thing. Personally, I like that. Let's hope that translates into success on the field, though. Also, when I think about the game, I keep going back and forth: at times, I feel great about Ohio State's chances, and then I will convince myself that there's no stopping Marriotta and we will die horrible deaths. It's like one of those games where I can make a solid case for either team winning and I wouldn't be surprised regardless of what the outcome is.
  9. I'm totally superstitious like that too. I realize I'm an idiot because of that, but I don't care. So, if Ohio State wins, then maybe we can come to your place sometime a few days later and watch all the bonus coverage? We can have our first annual end-of-the-season get together. Jive can come in his onesie.
  10. I'd just keep what you have and have them refreshed or fixed or whatever. They look great, they look better than anything else that's been posted in here, and I would think it would be the cheapest route.
  11. Dr. Pomade

    Hardcore Heroin

    Please someone post a link to the show later if it's hosted somewhere. I don't have cable and would like to see it. (I might try to find it on Hulu, etc.)
  12. Me too. One of the few advantages to watching a game at the stadium versus on TV is that when you are there at the game you get to see the entire field and the play develop. Like I can see guys down the field getting open and can anticipate a TD pass is coming much better at the stadium versus on TV. The sky cam, I think, would allow you to see the play develop just like if you were at the game. And it's crazy because you're like right there hovering over the action.
  13. Dr. Pomade

    Hardcore Heroin

    Two of the major points of entry into the US for heroin and prescription drug smuggling: Marion, Ohio and Charlotte, NC. The reason being that they are in relative proximity to so many major metropolitan areas - essentially the entire Midwest, East Coast, and Southeast. There is an opiate epidemic in the US and particularly within Ohio. Opiates include the prescription opiates (Percocet and OxyContin are the two most notorious) as well as the illicit opiates, like heroin. Someone mentioned earlier in this thread that heroin is the most viable alternative to prescription opiate, and that person is absolutely correct. This story is repeated endlessly anymore: (1) someone gets prescribed some opiate, like Percocet, for something, like an injury (2) that person then quickly develops a physical dependency to the prescription opiate (3) the person then realizes that they can't acquire enough legitimate prescriptions to feed his or her prescription opiate addiction, so they go to the streets to purchase them illegally (4) the person then quickly finds out that Percocet or any other prescription opiate on the street is excessively expensive and realizes they won't be able to afford what they need and (5) the person then turns to heroin, which - as any well-versed opiate addict from the Columbus metro area will tell you - is much easier to find than prescription opiates on the street and a whole lot cheaper. Also, in many cases, the heroin is a much more potent "high" than the prescription opiates (though eventually the person acclimates to heroin and has a difficult time getting "high" down the road and just does heroin to not get sick/go through withdrawal symptomatology). The reason why there isn't much hope of this ending anytime soon is the massive amounts of money that surround prescription opiates. Ingeniously, Big Pharm found another way to make money: they have devised prescription medications for opiate addiction that involve more prescription drugs. Most notorious among those is methadone, which, as someone once quipped, is like treating alcoholism with brandy. More recently, the drug of choice for opiate addiction is Suboxone. I don't want to come across as too cynical - I believe prescription medications have a place in this world - but the fact of the matter is that prescription opiates (and thus the problems that come along with them) aren't going away anytime soon.
  14. I love the sky cam and that view. It's almost surreal/voyeuristic. I heard that there is a channel (ESPN, I assume) in which you can watch the entire game from the sky cam.
  15. It's Dr. Pomade to you, loser. I look forward to crashing your anniversary dinner with a Tony Stark Jericho pose right over your apple martini toast.
  16. what the hell the LOL thread has turned into the end of Event Horizon
  17. Given Braxton's brittleness, even if he manages to find his way back into the starter role, he won't stay there for long, if history is any indication. Also, I'm still behind what I said a while ago: losing Braxton was addition by subtraction. Too much of the offensive was monopolized by him. Him being out has truly opened the playbook, I think. And, I agree completely with Josh: Braxton is not a good QB, but he's a phenomenal athlete that happens to be playing QB. So, I guess that's a compliment: Braxton is such a good athlete that he can actually pull off playing the most difficult position on the field.
  18. I can guarantee you this: if we lose this game against Oregon, I will place at least 15% blame on those black numbers on the shoulder pads. So, consider me dumb too.
  19. I lost it on the creatively video. Green is not a creative color.
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