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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Iceman wins the Internet. Absolutely fucking hilarious. Add me to the list of people in tears over that video.
  2. This is the part where I get really mad that I misinterpreted what you meant.
  3. I'm not an unfortunate victim of anything, except maybe being ridiculously good looking.
  4. This is the part where I get really upset that you didn't like something that I posted on the Internet.
  5. Guy was getting chalk everywhere and kept knocking balls off the table. He was also wearing a glove, which, along with that vest, probably would go over very well at Quarterflash. I'd rate his skills at like 3.7/10. The chick - wow, where do I start? I didn't see any fingernail polish and those heels are like about five years out of style. And she rudely interrupted one of the shots by grabbing the ball. I'd say she's coming in at a solid 2/10 on the CR Scale of Women.
  6. Is it possible to make the tint darker? I think 3 or 4 photons are still able to pass through the windows at this point. I think the car looks great.
  7. I think South Africa actually has three capitals. Wait, I just checked Wikipedia and it confirmed, so now I know I absolutely must be correct in that. This video made me want to have a panic attack. Like I was just waiting for something to maul him. I think it's awesome and horrifying all at the same time.
  8. It was only a matter of time before it happened. Time of death: 22:28 Cause of death: racism
  9. Toyota, but ones that are really beat up and are from the early 90s, because they are always driven by people who can't afford a new car or a new brain.
  10. I'm certain D.Wiggs' first act once he acquires that site will be to proclaim that he will achieve 50 billion hits in the first three months and be bigger than Amazon, Yahoo, and Google combined.
  11. Whoa what the hell. Not exactly my thing, but I wish them success. I'm pro-local/Columbus stuff. So, hope they make it big.
  12. Is woman pointing a gun at a toddler in your avatar? I have wondered this a few times. Back on topic, Japanese culture is so fucking weird it's mesmerizing. And Tokyo (as I assume that's where the city skyline shots are from) looks fucking gigantic/crazy.
  13. Russell Wilson isn't a huge guy and has had a lot of success. Just saying.
  14. That was entertaining. Auburn has to feel like they let that one get away, though. Oh well, bring on the playoff.
  15. OMFG mason just gave the Heisman pose lol
  16. I find myself pulling for Auburn in this game. I have no idea why. Maybe because they are the prohibitive underdog?
  17. Saying anything negative to a player about his performance is dumb. Bitch to your friends about Ohio State or how Brown fumbled that punt, but, unless you're his coach, you don't need to say anything negative to a player, ever. That's just fucking idiotic.
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