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Everything posted by billzie

  1. Howdy, I've searched threads on here talking about good trans shops but looks they are all up north. Are there any really good trans shops south or southeast? I live way down in Athens and there's only one trans shop in the whole county and they have a less than stellar reputation. Thanks, Bill
  2. I guess I should have given more details in the OP. These are all 4 x 100 bolt spacing, and all will mount up to BG platform (Mazda/Ford, and other variants) like factory, no need for spacers or hub rings. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/Tracer%20LTS/NewrubberandwheelsDS.jpghttp://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/Tracer%20LTS/NewrubberandwheelsPS.jpg Pics were taken with weight still off ground but rubber touching, and were before I replaced the front bumper, doors, and re-aligned the rear bumper Thanks, Bill.
  3. A few sets of wheels for sale, all are 4 x 100 bolt spacing. I have some Miata 16" special edition wheels. First set is just a pair, so would be great for drag slick set or to match a set you already have. One is in really nice shape, the other has an area of curb rash and some scratches from the prior owner. $160 for the pair obo. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/For%20Sale%20Auto%20Stuff/Miata16inwheelspair1.jpghttp://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/For%20Sale%20Auto%20Stuff/Miata16inwheelspair3.jpghttp://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/For%20Sale%20Auto%20Stuff/Miata16inwheelspair2.jpg Second is a set of 4, this tends to be the most desired style of the Miata wheels to swap for or onto other cars. Two are in really nice shape, the other two have some curb rash from the prior owner. $400 for the set of 4 obo. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/For%20Sale%20Auto%20Stuff/Miata16inwheelsset1.jpghttp://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/For%20Sale%20Auto%20Stuff/Miata16inwheelsset5.jpghttp://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/For%20Sale%20Auto%20Stuff/Miata16inwheelsset4.jpghttp://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/For%20Sale%20Auto%20Stuff/Miata16inwheelsset3.jpghttp://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/For%20Sale%20Auto%20Stuff/Miata16inwheelsset2.jpg Lastly, I have a set of early Mercury Tracer LTS wheels that also are the AUS spec turbo Ford Laser TX3 wheel, they are 14". These are extremely rare wheels. They're not show quality, small areas of the paint are peeling and they have some surface stains I think from rusty fluid dripping on them while in storage (pics make it look worse than it is), I haven't tried to clean them, I believe they'll clean up nicely. $200 for the set of 4. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/For%20Sale%20Auto%20Stuff/LTSwheels1.jpghttp://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/For%20Sale%20Auto%20Stuff/LTSwheels2.jpghttp://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/For%20Sale%20Auto%20Stuff/LTSwheels3.jpghttp://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/For%20Sale%20Auto%20Stuff/LTSwheels4.jpghttp://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/For%20Sale%20Auto%20Stuff/LTSwheels5.jpg It is best to text me, I won't answer calls from unknown folks, 74 zero, 59 zero, 5 ate ate ate. You can em or pm me but I'm not online daily so there may be delays that way. Also, feel free to check out all the other stuff I have for sale http://s50.beta.photobucket.com/user/billzie/profile/ S/H is totally on the buyers dime. Please, if you want a shipping quote, go to your preferred shippers website and get a quote, I'm in Athens Ohio 45701. USPS, UPS, and FedEx all offer prepay shipping where all I have to do is print off your labels and drop off the package and they bill you directly. I have found this is the best way to handle shipping costs of larger, heavier, or bulkier items where the costs are hard to predict and I have bought/sold/shipped this way for many years. If you have further questions, feel free to ask. Feel free to make offers, the worst I can do is say no. But, please keep your commentary about prices, etc off of this thread, it's just common courtesy. Thanks for looking, Bill.
  4. I will thanks. However, I'm hoping for something a bit closer to Col as I am over 2 hrs southeast of the city as it is. If anyone is heading to one of the pick-n-pull places and is willing to keep an eye out for that stuff that would be awesome. You can txt w/pics to me at 7 40. 59 0. 5 88 8. Thanks, Bill.
  5. Let me know what you have and detail OR if you know of a JY that has these items for sure. Must be clean. Century drivers door and fender and highly prefer beige, oh yeah! Regal front bumper/nose with fog lights, again highly prefer beige. Regal fog light switch. Regal center shifter console and shifter with cables/linkage, prefer tan. Regal leather seats all the way around, prefer tan. Let me know, thanks, Bill.
  6. Not quite "everything", but darn near. This combo ran in the donor car but needed tuning and finish work for stuff like the IC piping. Most of the big $ stuff I still have. Let me know, thanks for looking, Bill.
  7. Yes, not a direct bolt in but some early focus has the 2.0 SPI engine from the 3rd gen Escorts/Tracers (97-02) and those engines were basically the same as the 1.9 SEFI engines in the 2nd gen Escorts/Tracers and all 2nd/3rd gen Escorts/Tracers share the same engine mounts, trannie cradle and mounts, etc, and this engine fits those cars. It'll go, but just like any other swap there is a lot of work that is needed, but this wound not be in the impossible category. I still have the engine but if I don't get a buyer kinda soon I'll probably part out the turbo stuff and use the block/head for my DD. Thanks for looking, Bill.
  8. im not 100%, but i believe the focus had some years with the basic 1.9/2.0 escort engine and the escort engine bay takes this gtx engine. let me know
  9. Sorry for any delay in answering em/pm, my daughter just got out of Childrens and I wasn't online for a while. Just a FYI, these engines go for about $1100-1500 from importers and then you have to pay for shipping from them (plus import duties if getting from a Canadian shop). Thanks for your interest.
  10. I will include the switch and wiring to the first buyer with $100 for the seats. Thanks for looking, Bill.
  11. Thanks for all the good comments, now let's please get my engine sold. Keep in mind, I also have about 95% of all that is needed to get this swap done, I'm just not posting it all to give the buyer a chance at taking it or not. If I posted all the other stuff, I'd have a lot of folks wanting the individual parts, and I just don't have the time to do that right now. When the engine sells and the buyer doesn't want the other stuff, then I will post it for sale, most of it is NOT BP specific stuff and will sell easily I think. Thanks again, Bill.
  12. Yep, I've seen a few BP-t powered Festivas, quick as all get out. uummm, Aspire, now that's an ultimate sleeper with this engine. Yep I'm in Athens, it's not a bad drive to Col, I do it all the time just to get to pick-n-pull. Also, when you consider that these engines can be well over $1200 + shipping from Cali, Miami, or Canada = my deal is sweet. AWD Proteges can be had for $500, drop in this motor and YIPPEE! I hope this motor finds a good home, it deserves to be driven. Thanks, Bill.
  13. JDM Mazda GTX 1.8L DOHC Turbo motor complete I have had this motor in storage for a while now but it ran when removed from the Protege, I was going to install it in my Mercury Tracer LTS but I just have never had the time or space to do it. Just like most JDM engines this one probable had about 40-60,000 miles on it when imported, and had less than 500 miles on it in the Protege. This motor will swap into similar chassis cars such as Protege, MX-3, Escort, Tracer, and into other like-chassis cars with a little more work like the Ford Festiva. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/Items%20for%20sale/GTX1.8DOHCturboengine7.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/Items%20for%20sale/GTX1.8DOHCturboengine6.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/Items%20for%20sale/GTX1.8DOHCturboengine5.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/Items%20for%20sale/GTX1.8DOHCturboengine4.jpg Engine is located in Athens, OHIO 45701. Other parts needed for install are also available separately (ie, Haltech ecm, FMU, BOV, FMIC, MSD ignition and coil, etc) Engine as shown in pics $700 obo.
  14. Sorry about that, price added.
  15. I have a set of what look like mid 80s Corvette seats. Would make a good set of seats for just about anything but especially a hot rod or muscle car. Pic shows condition of leather, it's not all bad but it ain't good either. The foams are in pretty nice shape still. The power seat motors worked the last time the were installed years ago in a 70s Z28, the wiring on the seat motors have been stripped here and there about 1/4 to 1/2 inch to allow for splicing. The seats are currently disassembled to make shipping easier. I also may include a Corvette power seat switch and harness that I bought after the seats were removed but never used with them. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/Items%20for%20sale/partsforsale076.jpg The seats are located in Athens Ohio 45701. Please send me pm/em with phone # and a good time to call you back, I don't have good online access unfortunately. Lots of other stuff available too http://s50.photobucket.com/albums/f341/billzie/Items%20for%20sale/ I have a 266 buyer/seller rating on ebay under the same username and have a long history on various escort/protege/mazda websites and on here a bit too. Thanks for looking. $100 firm for the seats, switch and harness negotiable to the buyer.
  16. Bump. Mazda 1.8 DOHC BP engine, ecu, and harness are SOLD to AJ and met him in Col on Tue, thanks AJ. I am coming up to Col again on Sun 10/14 and I have a few times I can meet. In the morning I can meet on US-33 near Refugee Rd. Just before noon and after 3pm I'll be just north of the airport/Eston area. I'll be heading back to Athens around 5pm. Thanks again for looking, Bill.
  17. Harbor Freight has one right now for $139 with coupon, sorry but doesn't fold. HTH, Bill.
  18. Ok, I've added some more stuff. The Merc Tracer LTS that is being parted is cut up and on the trailer to go to the scrap yard but the most important parts I still have for sale, ie, engine, auto tranny, rear disc swap, front bigger brake swap, struts/springs, entire wiring harnesses and ecu, etc etc. I also have back up for sale the mufflers I got from Martin. There is nothing wrong with them, I just couldn't use them on my Z28 with the size and offset these are, so I just took my originals in on a warranty exchange on my last trip back to Chicago. Also, I will be coming up to Columbus tomorrow Wed 10/3 in the morning and will likely be heading back to Athens by early afternoon. If you would like me to bring something up please call me asap, this was a last minute kind of thing, sorry for not much notice. This will save you shipping/gas money. Thanks again for looking, Bill.
  19. Bump. I'm open to reasonable offers on anything. Thanks for looking, Bill.
  20. Howdy, if anyone has access to a Carfax account/subscription and wouldn't mind running a VIN for me, I'd really appreciate it. Please send me a PM or EM and I'll provide the VIN, to keep it off public forum. This isn't a big deal of a car, but I just want to make sure it's a good deal. Thanks in advance, Bill.
  21. Howdy folks, I'm in need of a pair of Rush tickets. Looking for Pavillion seats more central like sections E, F, G, but I'm open to just about anything for a good deal not in the lawn. I have a lot to trade as seen here But willing to pay a fair price in cash as well. Let me know asap, Thanks, Bill.
  22. Howdy, I'm a RN and fairly new to Ohio, 2.5 yrs here in Athens. I am in need to making real contacts in the Columbus area for networking, leads, and advice in potentially entering the Nursing market there. I'll need someone, or a few, contacts who are in-the-know within the nursing market there, someone who may have managerial, supervisory, or human resources experience or contacts. I will talk at length privately with anyone willing and able to help to better understand my situation and background. Thanks for your help, Bill.
  23. Anyone? Does anyone even have any advice on parking, getting in and out, etc? I've never been there, don't even know where it is. lol Bill.
  24. And I think what Mr. Rock failed to mention, my brother, is that a black man nearly had the Polio vaccine perfected but couldn't get the industrial establishment to fund him. Um, what are brain cells considered then? Out side of the cord. Symantics, I know. V8KILR, darm near everything you've said is dead on. Bill.
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