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Fiji ST

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Everything posted by Fiji ST

  1. Why the fuck would you share something like that?
  2. I have a Kenneth Cole black leather bi-fold that is about 10 years old and is holding up very nicely.
  3. Good Tiesto. http://www.youtube.com/user/officialtiesto#p/u/1/FThuVI_maAs
  4. They told me they were going to repair it. Sucks you didn't like it. We also have a loaded 2003 Passat GLX V6 with a stick. More in your price range with 83k on the clock. Not a V8, but a decent car overall.
  5. Yeah, not really sure why there's no pictures of it yet. It's been cleaned up for about a week now. Want me to snap some pictures if it's still around?
  6. http://www.midwesternvw.com/used/Pontiac/2006-Pontiac-Grand+Prix-322b71600a0a00650176d1fcd01cbc71.htm I will double-check tomorrow if it is still our car or not.
  7. I took a GXP in on trade last month. Clean title with half the mileage. Little more money though, but it's pretty clean.
  8. Looks like the Bandit is still at it after all these years.
  9. Actually, while I still stick by my choice, I'm going to push my own product and say a CC VR6 4Motion or an nicely-equipped A4 quattro. Both can be had around $39-41K.
  10. Thanks Tim. Now I just have to figure out how to get him to not want to get up at fucking 5:30 every morning to go out.
  11. So the crate training has gone pretty good the past week. He seems to like it now that it's covered. He goes in most mornings with issue and he sleeps in it at night without me having to coerce him or shutting the gate. He even sits in there for naps when I'm home during the day. Now I just have to train him not to use his teeth when he's playing and to walk better on a leash. Thanks again for everyone's advice.
  12. Oh good, I can't wait for him to start whining while I'm sleeping. When it's in my room, should I have it covered up too?
  13. I have a black wire one. It has a black plastic tray at the bottom for easy clean-up. I would never get him an all-plastic ones. I put the crate in the corner of my living room. It's more confined because its got the couch on one side and the entertainment center on the other. no sunlight reaches it. I'll try it tomorrow. Quick question: Should I be crating him at night too. We usually have him in it during the day, but I keep him out at night with me in the bedroom. He curls up next to my reading pillow and I have no problems at night.
  14. I think I have some old blankets lying around. I may have some old sheets that should work as well. MY fiance asks that we have tried treats, but we can't get him close enough to the crate. He usually stays away and has begun to run away when we try to put him in his crate. You know, I think you should just come over and train my dog for me Tim.
  15. I will try to cover it up. I always figured that was not something you shouldn't do. I have it next to the couch kind of out in the open. I can put it into the dark corner I suppose. I guess I didn't want to leave him in a dark corner. I hate forcing him into it. I'll give it a shot though with the treats. Do you think it's too late? What about his bed mat? Any reason why he wouldn't lay on it other than he doesn't like it?
  16. So my fiance and I adopted a little shiz tzu a couple of weeks ago from the Franklin Co. shelter. Couple years old, just a really good all-around dog. The problem is, he will not go into his crate voluntarily. It's always a struggle and I need some advice from those on here who know more than I do. Here's info on the dog: He's a 15 lbs. dog. The cage is suppose to be built for his size. He was found as a stray, but does listen to some commands, so we think he was dumped. When he's in his crate, he lifts up his fleece mat and lays underneath it. Or he pushes it up against one side and lays against it. He hasn't gone to the bathroom in it. My thinking is, of course, he really doesn't like being in a crate. The other is he doesn't like his mat. Which is fine, but I don't want him having to lay on the plastic tray underneath for 5 hours. I don't know where to go from here. I've never crate-trained a dog before. I've had dogs for 14 years growing up, but we never had to worry about using a crate. Frankly, I don't trust the dog alone in my place for that long. May have an accident, chew on the furniture, etc. So, please give me some advice.
  17. Same here. I've seen you a few times coming up Riverside toward Dublin. Welcome.
  18. Nope. They are made by Volkswagen and developed with Porsche (shared with the Cayenne).
  19. That's a thing of the past. There are very few problems with VW anymore. A lot of our cars are recommended by Consumer Reports now as well. The only ones we have the real problems are in the Routans, which are part Chrysler.
  20. Not quite as nice, but I would suggest a Passat or a Jetta.
  21. Well, it was going to be a minature poodle mix, but someone came down from Michigan and snatched him. And I'm too lazy to want to wash my dog. Rather pay a few $$$ and have someone else do it.
  22. Thanks for all the recommendations. This is going to be harder than I thought. As far as grooming, I might try to give him baths on my own, but since I'm first picking him up, I want to get him a good scrub and a trim by someone who knows how to do it properly.
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