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Fiji ST

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Posts posted by Fiji ST

  1. ok, lets say it shows a flashing arrow about 500yards up saying merge into right lane. Of course there will be 2 lanes open til you get up to that arrow but anybody with a speck of respect for other drivers wouldn't stay in the closing left lane til almost getting to the arrow and try to cut in front of somebody. Thats not how shit works. So next time you try and pull that ignorant shit just remember that theres ppl out there like me who will run ur ass off the road for being a fucking prick


    Pull it back dude. I'm not saying to do something that dangerous. I don't do that. Nobody should. What I'm saying is why should people sit in four miles of traffic when there's a lane open to use. Use both lanes, keep moving and let people merge together. It's really not that complicated.

  2. My thoughts exactly. If you think you're going to speed up on the left then cut in at the last second then I hope a semi runs over you're ass.



    You pull this with me and i'll run you off the road. EVERYTIME. And i'll watch ur face as you shit ur pants doing 360's in the grass while i'm laughing at you


    Why shouldn't you use both lanes? Both lanes are open for a reason, to be USED.

  3. I hate people who don't drive defensively. It has already been mentioned above but if you impede someone from passing your car you fucking fail at driving and deserve to have your car wrapped around a telephone pole. Don't pace me, get the fuck over a lane if someone is behind you, get the fuck out of the way of people getting onto the highway, and use the fucking gas when you get onto the highway. It is the pedal on the right side in case you forgot. It is called an "acceleration" ramp for a reason you asshats.


    :thumbup: Good shit.

  4. What type of car?

    -2005 Mazda3 Sedan

    What mods?

    -Intake, motor mount, springs, sport struts, wheels and high-performance tires, etc.

    Whats the car going to be built or is used for?

    -Autocross mostly.

    What are your goals with the car?

    -To modify the car to compete within the ST class in the SCCA but still be livable as a DD.

  5. My two biggest things are left-lane hogs that sit next to a semi and cruise for miles like that. The other is when i come up on construction where lanes are reduced and there's a 3 mile line of cars in one lane and zero in the other. I have no problem just cruising up the other lane until asshole truck drivers jump into that lane trying to block me and other cars from passing. It's not my fault that you and the 100+ other cars don't know how to use both lanes and merge together properly.
  6. -I go out to eat way too much unfortunately.

    -I will be auto-x a couple times this month, so there goes $100 for fees and what not.

    -I have been traveling way too much, spending money on gas.

    +I buy a lot of Kroger-brand stuff at the store. Saves a lot of money and they usually double the coupons on some things.

    +I have basic cable, slow Internet and I got on my mom's cell phone plan.

    +I try to use less electricity and A/C and it's dropped my electricity bill a bit.

    +I need new brake pads & rotors and can't save enough to get them. They'll last me another couple of months fortunately.

    +Haven't bought clothes since April and hopefully some of my clothes will last until my job starts.


    Yes, I am saving money, but I seem to blow what I save on doing fun things.

  7. That might make pro ball worth watching, never thought about that. Might have to start DVRing the Eagles games and watching the plays he's in. Other pro's that are big animal/dog people are going to be gunning for him. :D


    Fuck yes. I think a bunch of 300+ plus guys crushing him on the field is a better punishment that sitting in a jail cell. :)

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