just over 28ft ...9'.8" wide .. 332 hrs on it ...350 mag volvo penta deo prop .6400lbs ...100 gal gas tank 25 gal water tank 8 gal hot water tank...15 gal waste water tank .....cruise 24-27 knots top speed 38-42 knots
got it to use on lake erie ..the 19" boat i have dont do well with big waves ....have a 22' cuddy got this fall but its a 1977 don't have many hours on it but it set uncoverd out side a lot ...so not sure how its going to do
got the chris-craft real cheap
....dock cought fire when someone tossed there bbq grill off there boat,,,it singed the top corner of the bimini top and the upper corner of the seat smoked up the side of the boat good..... the guy got the check for it ...got a smaller new boat ,, and just can sprayed all over the side ..