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Everything posted by MaverickGrabber1972

  1. there a light gray http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3560/3473611273_6317ef02c2_b.jpg
  2. no the seats was shot and made into the rear sundeck and engine cover ..had to remake all that http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3251/3576856399_4c22b84169.jpg
  3. the engine was cracked from not being winterized ...i used some Epoxy filled it still holding ....but the engine started to run hot merc 3.0 ...put the carpet and seats in ....spring ...the date is the day i did ...http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3605/3474420512_e34c721a3a_b.jpg
  4. yours sort of looks like my 19 ft going to part it out http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3587/3461219632_9d0b39286d_b.jpg
  5. the rubber and trim http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2791/4060880297_c760212288_b.jpg
  6. new rubber and trim for it was in the cuddyhttp://farm4.static.flickr.com/3524/4061626842_ecc4f4d7fb_b.jpg
  7. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2641/4060878683_15f913bd41_b.jpg
  8. if not ill have the Chriss-Craft http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2791/4060878145_5460601cfa_b.jpg
  9. hope it will make a good fishing boat http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2553/3978821310_de9119bf17.jpg
  10. the 1977 silverline nantucket 22fthttp://farm4.static.flickr.com/3432/3978031997_918eb4353b_b.jpg
  11. just over 28ft ...9'.8" wide .. 332 hrs on it ...350 mag volvo penta deo prop .6400lbs ...100 gal gas tank 25 gal water tank 8 gal hot water tank...15 gal waste water tank .....cruise 24-27 knots top speed 38-42 knots got it to use on lake erie ..the 19" boat i have dont do well with big waves ....have a 22' cuddy got this fall but its a 1977 don't have many hours on it but it set uncoverd out side a lot ...so not sure how its going to do got the chris-craft real cheap ....dock cought fire when someone tossed there bbq grill off there boat,,,it singed the top corner of the bimini top and the upper corner of the seat smoked up the side of the boat good..... the guy got the check for it ...got a smaller new boat ,, and just can sprayed all over the side ..
  12. not sure but think it may be vinyl ...boats under tarp now but looking to get it done in feb
  13. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3498/4061620696_0f05c19f1e.jpg this side part of the white needs redone .....hard to see
  14. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3529/4061629144_8c0a329eff.jpg need to get that pelican junk off
  15. have a Chris-Craft Amerosport 262 ......could use some paint work on one side and how to best remove boat name and pic
  16. thanks ...I ordered a new correct marina style quadrajunk for it
  17. the one that came off is not its just a plane ol Qjunk
  18. at this point ill use any need to test it to see if the block is leaking water into the oil
  19. side inlet Quadrajet Carb in working order ...for a boat just picked up ...dont want to spend much ...the engine may be sucking water cant keep it running long enough to find out
  20. get someone to live in the basement who says you cant get her a roommate .....another person to move in and take up her space ......whos bed is she sleeping? if yours sell it make her pay for a new one ....refuse to let her move it in....there are ways to make her want to leave ..turn the power off to the basement....... put locks on the bathroom doors
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