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Everything posted by 19TbirdSC91

  1. I actually don't mind the body kit on it for some reason. Good lookin' car to me! Sean
  2. Thats exactly what I was wondering, looks like a ghose:eek: lol.
  3. LMAO, that shit was funny, i needed that!
  4. I don't know bro, that wall behind that TV would be the perfect place for a screen, not quite sure where you would put the projector though. On another note, house looks badass, I'm really digging that kitchen and stuff, whenever I get a house I'll be looking for something similar, I would like having a big yard like that too. Sean
  5. dayum.... looks like two midgets in a sleeping bag! lmao
  6. I'll race you with my thunderbird lol
  7. Fastforward to 2:45... DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for the stupid shit in this video...only the cool stuff lmao http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Doing-donuts-in-a-Ford-GT_101314.htm
  8. I've seen a third crash there as well, idk where the video was though, lol. that road has bad kharma!
  9. One of my buddies had the scoops from one of those hoods put on the hood on his thunderbird, the guy that did it did an amazing job, you cant even tell they were added to the hood. http://www.sccoa.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106852
  10. This video is always classic. Fastforward to like 1:05.
  11. jesus christ, i need a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of jack after that... wow.
  12. well since were all sharing pics, ill jump on the banwagon lol. http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t56/imwithstupid016/35th%20pics/14lrg.jpg http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t56/imwithstupid016/35th%20pics/DSC01587.jpg
  13. i like the red on the wheels personally, but definetly not as much as a machined/polished lip
  14. sorry, posted it for my mom and she sold it before i had the chance to take em. Then i forgot to update this until someone PM'd me about it today.
  15. Yeah, the car being out of gas was rediculous lol. And grandma's boy doesn't post on CR, so your not going to be able to rag on him about it.
  16. Yeah, Ryan's retarded and switches our names every damn day lol. And yes it is funny. He asked me if he looked like the grandma's boy dude, and I about died laughing, I've known him for 5 years and never thought about it!
  17. You've got the wrong dude, your talking about me and ryan's friend Shane. And yes, he does look like that guy. But I'm Sean not Shane. lol
  18. lol, that's funny, nevermind, saw the other post. what's with all this g'ma talk!? lol
  19. That car is absolutely sick, I remember coming out there with my friend Shane to check it out a couple years ago when you were going to sell it. I have wished I could have bought it. His racecar has come a long way. Here's a couple of pics of my supercoupe. http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t56/imwithstupid016/35th%20pics/DSC01563.jpg http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t56/imwithstupid016/35th%20pics/DSC01587.jpg http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t56/imwithstupid016/35th%20pics/9417401238.jpg
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