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Everything posted by 19TbirdSC91

  1. 19TbirdSC91


    girls eating eachother out on stage and shit is crazy yes. lol Sean McConaha
  2. I usually do, out of habit, it doesn't hurt anything. Sean McConaha
  3. She kinda has the whole mary kate and ashley look to her...only not so anorexic and cracked out Sean McConaha
  4. Glad to hear your coming home, tell everyone I said thanks for everything (that goes for you as well buddy.) Everyone's wheels look great btw. Sean McConaha
  5. 19TbirdSC91


    There was a 4 or 5 inch deep mud pond right in the middle of everything, it was fun watching that cutlass or whatever it was spinning its tire(s) in it trying to get going. Sean McConaha
  6. 19TbirdSC91


    It was funny, i was in the SVT Focus, and they told me to turn left to go through security and park and what not, and there was a pile of mud have the length of my car and probably would go half way up my wheels...i just went straight and parked. f that. Sean McConaha
  7. Do a search of "MS paint god" he does a green car, cant remember what it was exactly its been a long time since i have seen it, i think its on collegehumor.com or whatever the site is. Cool ass shit. Sean McConaha
  8. 19TbirdSC91


    Did anyone else catch the (lack of)bikini contest? I knew it was going to be muddy since we've gotten like an inch of rain the past couple of days. I had fun.
  9. 19TbirdSC91


    Just got back, had a grand ole time.... lotsa boobies, and the stage was amazing for the bikini contest, me like. and anyone here have that blue SVT Focus that i parked by with my yellow one? Sean McConaha
  10. I was really happy that it was just the radiator hose on the thunderbird, we spent a long time building it... see everyone at the next event, hopefully i'll be running the SVT Focus.
  11. i get about 260-270 miles, MAYBE like 280 out of between 10.5 and 11 gallons in the SVT Focus, get anywhere between 24 and 26 mpg... cost somewhere around $35 to fill it up, i noticed a big difference in driving 75 mph and 65 mph on the freeway and don't even lose that much time driving. Sean McConaha
  12. theres a certain set of tires that want to be destroyed ya know... Sean McConaha
  13. Found this video hiding on streetfire from like a year ago, fun times http://videos.streetfire.net/video/6846ee6c-6039-4280-ba3f-98da017f458c.htm
  14. I know someone that has fallen victim to that trap...i never speed there now. definetly should be 45 though, there aren't even any houses on it...stupid. Sean
  15. He wasn't talking about the viper...he was asking where some corvette was at.
  16. Been trying to figure that out for a long time, i wasn't hanging out with these guys when this happened.
  17. Video of one of my buddies doing a long ass burnout back in probably 2003...reactions are classic. (im not in this video btw) http://videos.streetfire.net/video/96a2f061-9adb-43ae-b6cb-989c00164b4e.htm Sean M.
  18. We've all seen their crazy drifting videos and stuff From what i understand, since they make so much damn money in that country due to oil, they just do whatever they want...ive seen videos of them totalling 1000 hp vipers and skylines and stuff and they think its the funniest thing in the world. -Sean McConaha
  19. Sounds cool. you should have got the burnout marks in the second video LOL
  20. thats why i said "Don't hold me on this...but im pretty sure it still has full interior so about 4000 pounds, not 100% positive on that." I'll find out for sure for ya though.
  21. Don't hold me on this...but im pretty sure it still has full interior so about 4000 pounds, not 100% positive on that.
  22. Not proved wrong, just simply edumacated lol...yes, the set up is udderly insane...very cool car to see/hear...he's a great guy too...just so you know thats the fastest supercoupe around for the time being...who knows where they'll go next (i had the pleasure of seeing that 10.68 run...car sounds crazy as hell) And just so you know, look at the dyno numbers at the bottom in the misc section...
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