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Everything posted by 19TbirdSC91

  1. That car isn't bad at all for the price you got it at, you forgot to paint that fan shroud! And did you get that CAI from Shane? Sean
  2. Was fun cruisin around in the vert the other day ryan, now for the love of god make it a 5 speed and throw some gears in the back!
  3. amen to that!!! On a side note, are you going to go to the shootout ryan? Sean
  4. Good heavens ryan, sneaking around on us huh? LMAO just kiddin man, call me this weekend, I wanna check it out, when I get the 35th running we'll have to foot race and pretend were driving the cars lol. Doesn't look half bad, just needs some help here and there. Sean
  5. I too opened this planning on seeing some other nasty looking civic, but I guess I was proven wrong, very impressive! Sean
  6. yepp...still gotta find a way to fix that damn slave cylinder. Sean
  7. The car was supposed to be getting worked on today, but havent messed with it yet, i haven't fixed the door and trunk yet. Should be a pretty fun car whenever it gets done all the way. Sean
  8. Finally got my thunderbird just about finished, been working on it for a while now, just have to pull the tranny back out and replace the slave cylinder and she'll be done. Heres the link to the pics, let me know what you guys think. http://s157.photobucket.com/albums/t56/imwithstupid016/35th%20pics/ Sean
  9. haha... that lambo hitting that thing was somewhat amusing, and apparently noone has noticed the license plate of the GT yet. Sean
  10. Almost every single honda I see with a fart cannon either revs on me, or tries to take off all fast or something with im in the SVTF, its kind of funny to me, a lot of people think that the body kit and wheels are aftermarket on my car, which they are not. Its actually pretty amazing how many people don't know what kind of car it is, usually people ask what kind of honda or VW my car is, A) it says ford on the front and back B) says SVT Focus pretty clearly right on the back. People aren't very observant.
  11. Im looking forward to it if i could pull it off, what do you think it would run in the 1/4? its got a turbo 400, traction bars, and 10 bolt posi, i don't know what gearing though.
  12. ouch, im actually trying to trade my thunderbird for a 1980 TA with a 454 in it, so
  13. what car show is this? Sean
  14. With fuel prices, you guys just watched the future of drag racing. damned shame... The lack of sound was funny as hell though... Sean
  15. Yea, he can be pretty dumb sometimes, i tried to get him to stop, but he wouldn't i might drive my SVT Focus out next weekend, nothing special, all stock, but i don't mind hangin out. Sean
  16. We cruised through, but my buddy didn't want to stop, i was the passenger in that black mustang that came through and turned around, he said there wasn't enough people there. Maybe next weekend somethin will go down Sean
  17. are you wanting to trade for anyting?
  18. im wondering why you guys know he's an f'n chess champion, lol, jk
  19. samsung A900 is a good phone, im not looking to sell mine but maybe you want to look at ebay or something, idk...
  20. Shane, are you going to have that camera back for this next event or not? Hopefully Best Buy is done messing around with it and gets it back to you. Sean McConaha
  21. 19TbirdSC91


    I know, close enough though, lol it was still cool. Sean McConaha
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