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Everything posted by 19TbirdSC91

  1. Here's a car with a front mount for you...notice horsepower and 1/4 mile times. http://www.sccoa.com/member/index.php?uniquename=neibert
  2. Its not liquid cooled...and yes, you can put a front mount on this motor. http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t56/imwithstupid016/100_2757.jpg There's a picture of my motor back when it was stock...the tube that says "supercharged" is the top tube for the intercooler, the bottom tube is under that, you cant really see it though.
  3. Yeah, the bottom end on the 3.8 SC motor is very strong, you guys must not confuse this motor with the N/A 3.8. They can handle a lot of boost...that same guy that I mentioned having the 20 psi stock bottom end super couper also had another super coupe that had literally lifted the heads off of the block but the bottom end never gave in (that was at 25 psi) Like I said, im getting almost 15 psi on a ported early style M90, drive it daily, beat on it nearly daily...and thats on a 150,000 mile bottom end...they were built for boost. And the intercooler mounts next to the radiator....Ryan, even though the intercooler im selling you comes with a perma-cool fan on it, you might run into heat soak problems and may want to consider switching over to a double intercooler or even a front mount, granted that could get pricey but you gotta pay to play! Sean McConaha.
  4. The SC motor handles boost mighty well...my buddie was making 20 psi on a stock (rebuilt) bottom end in his motor with no issues before he sold it. Mine is probably making between 14 and 15 psi daily driven just fine.
  5. What ever happened to this???
  6. interested in trades?
  7. i'll trade ya my cougar for it
  8. i did but that was about the nastiest fucking thing ive ever seen. period.
  9. damn it...i was half hoping the car got sold cuz i want it really bad, lol.
  10. So whats your final asking price for this? i wouldn't mind having it myself
  11. Are you the same guy that I raced up at easton with my red cougar? If so, how's the car runnin?
  12. Just outta curiousity, what did it put down on the dyno?
  13. James...i need to talk to you ASAP about this car, I know we talked online (imwithstupid016) about something...and we need to discuss more...if you agree to my offer, consider the car sold...this is my dream car...i need it. get a hold of me ASAP
  14. To me about the cougar? or someone else?
  15. Ill trade ya my cougar for it, 1989 supercharged 3.8L, automatic though. http://www.sccoa.com/member/index.php?uniquename=mcconaha
  16. Damn, something actually came up and im 100% right now...maybe here in like 2 weeks i can come up with some extra cash...rent's due tomorrow! haha
  17. less than a brand new one, lol.
  18. pretty self-explanitory, im lookin for a 360, let me know what ya got.
  19. theres the pics of my cougar, what motor is in the bronco?
  20. http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t56/imwithstupid016/SSPX0145.jpg http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t56/imwithstupid016/SSPX0144.jpg http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t56/imwithstupid016/SSPX0138.jpg http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t56/imwithstupid016/100_2757.jpg http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t56/imwithstupid016/100_2755.jpg
  21. I have a 1989 Cougar XR7 Supercharged i'd trade.
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