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Dr. Apex

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Everything posted by Dr. Apex

  1. Dr. Apex

    Friday 8-26

    Stelzer? When did everyone move so far east? Lot of driving going out there and then to sawmill for me from gc. I'll probably show up though unless someone wants to grag some grub up north?
  2. One report said it was felt as far as Milwaukee! I'm in Minneapolis and didn't notice it but I was on the phone with kooks right after it happened and I thought the guy was fucking nuts or something!
  3. Seems a bit far fetched to me but it wouldn't surprise anyone I think, to know stuff like that has happened.
  4. Perfect timing, i'm in Chicago this weekend and got to see this last night. Truely excellent film! Worth the short trip to catch in a theater if anyone is thinking about it.
  5. Yes, the 959 is my unicorn, amazing car.
  6. Will be getting one of these soon as not since I had WinXP have I been able to offload video from my camcorder.
  7. Chicago rush last time I was there it took me 2hrs 45mins to go 9 miles! I do not go near d.c. anywhere near a rush hour period, it's faster to just route around an extra 50-60 miles, and like Ben said you can catch hell there anytime as nightime is the only time they can do most of their construction. The 270/315/23 interchange could use reorganized for sure, probably the worst bottleneck we have. It will be fun when they go to rework it.
  8. This is just the first phase of the planned reworking of all the downtown interchanges! Those bitching about cbus traffic have obviously never been to Chicago or D.C. during rush hour, our worst day in columbus history doesn't hold a candle to an average day in those towns!
  9. Austin has got it going on right now. This is a good date for this as summer is just too hot for this down there.
  10. I think OSU will contend for the Big 10 title as usual but I don't see us beating Nebraska, I sure hope so. I think Penn State will knock off Bama or Nebraska with both of those games in Happy valley. I like Oklahoma for the national title but they do tend to choke on that 1 game a season though.
  11. Not enough warning but I bookmarked your site Buzz, will try to run an event with you guys sometime.
  12. My Sprint Evo has been a nightmare, get away from htc!
  13. Bump, $300 for all 4, need them gone!! They're the C50 medium compound.
  14. Coty, I'm in HPDE 3 now so bring a helmet and your welcome to ride along. I'll get in touch with you when it gets closer to the event. Vitamincj, I want your car! Well, I'm going on saturday so if anyone wants to go with let me know. Looks like it's $55 for a single day paddock pass.
  15. Speaking of RA, NASA is doing an event there the first weekend of oct, you going? I'll be there.
  16. I say build. I'm finally starting to really enjoy my mustang as it's finally making progress and it feels good to watch it start to come together, definitely a good feeling in that.
  17. Who's going? I'm going on saturday, anyone want to go with? Get a few people together and car pool up there. The Le Mans race is saturday with Indy on sunday with various other races going on throughout the weekend.
  18. Give her a good old fasioned donkey punch!
  19. Dr. Apex

    Be jones

    $20 on Jones:fuckyeah:
  20. $200, not sure if I want to split them up though as I don't want to get stuck with just 2.
  21. Oh good, I was pretty damn dissapointed that I would forget a date for an event like that. Really need some time on m-o again. If I'm in town I will swing up there for a visit at least.
  22. Hmm, my dads sierra has the 4.8, should try talk him into some boost!
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