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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. Yeah gas will add up, but people that live close , its an awsome job, Alot of the guys in there are just guys that made mistakes that want to finish there time and get home to family, they are really strict who they take in to finish there last 6 months here so there is no violence or anything. After you finish your paper work and computer stuff, you are done you can talk with the guys, play cards with them ect. You can get all the over time you want, I have to turn down the hours because I work so much. you get 50. cents per hour your on time per 2 weeks, and pay raises every 6 months . After 6 months you can move up they have a RM1 which is 20 an hour RM2 24 and hour and rm3 27 an hour, each job has more resposibilty's ect. Everyone has to start as an Rm1. They love taking x military guys also with honorable discharges. I know they have been doing interviews the past week to fill 3 spots, I will let those that are interested which fill up. They had over 300 people turn in apps but if I put in a good word and you have the right background/ education then you will be picked hands down.
  2. If you can stand being around felon's as a guard, they are hiring at my work a "resident moniter" that watches over low case guys, its easy , its a state job, paid benifits and it starts at 20 an hour not sure if thats even enough for you, but its just an option. pm me if you are interested. The job is cake work 12 hour shift mon-wed then get thurs-mon off then you work a 4 day shift the next week then rotate. I take it you have a degree?
  3. twist words? the other time you said there is nothing wrong with street racing and yet you bust this guys balls for what he did, all hes trying to say if your going to be some fucking angel and hastle everyone why dont you do it to everyone on this board that races ( not hard to figure out). You do not say shit to anyone else but the new guy and you know it.
  4. and that will go for 90% of the guys again if they where to get caught, we skip the license part now and go straight to jail.
  5. HOLY shit someone that fucking realizes, what really goes on . Saying people stopping traffic on 71 then reaching speeds of 140+ and your fucking giving a guy that does a wheelie a hard time, not one of you said shit to ____ and ____ect ect that was doing this more then a weekly base.
  6. This is like telling gang members not to be violent, not going to happen, No matter how much some nerd on the internet gets mad about it.
  7. when 90% of the guys street race lol check out channel 10 I mean yeah, nahhhhhhh we dont street race.
  8. come on you really think they are going to keep the videos up after this past weekend, by the way there are a total of 17 of them from the past 60 days. one shows "cars" three deep doing 140 and thats the chase car. They sure past people doing 65-70 like they are standing still.
  9. Welcome I also am a member or columbusdsm without a dsm now, but been on there since 2002 welcome to columbus racing.
  10. logan how is peters car coming along? Its been a while since ive been up, I might try to come over this coming week to check out his car.
  11. They should put up a channel 10 forum up so you can copy and paste links for them to get a hot new story. maybe then you can finally get a car worthwhile.
  12. This is why everyone thinks your a fucking douche bag, Go look at the video section and what do you see. What the fuck goes on in here? there are videos of memebers of here going 170 in there cars in traffic in fucking daylight then breaking into traffic. Look at the sites name, look what goes on every fucking week in the summer, yeah what people do is stupid but I am not them. Your the one on a car site that you know damn well races legal or not, your the fucking cry baby bitch saying this and that about how illegal it is, when you prolly have been up to places where guys meet to race. You should fucking cry your little fucking face off everytime someone races on this site, you can be columbus racing's little snitch ok.
  13. If they did not catch the people that night they can not do shit! they could only maybe question you but even then you dont have to talk. Talking is what gets people in trouble.
  14. If you sell crack you dont sit on the same corner street everyday , going to sonic was asking to get fucking arrested.
  15. your so fucking retarted, but your too scared to tell that to the guys that race in cars on here. A bike doing a wheelie in traffic at 80-100 mph or fucking built cars going 130+ waaaaaaa that fucking reporters are going to read this, man fuck them , they already blow this site out of the water, Everything said on the news can not get any worse. Some people got caught street racing Big fucking deal it has happend since cars were invented and its going to happen some more this year, becuase someone is still going to race either from this site or not. No matter how much people say no street racing/ being crazy driving you are going to have the people that make their own minds and do what they will. You act like this place is full of fucking pro social shit, get fucking real we all know what the fuck goes on, the cops are not stupid. If you dont race thats fine, If you do race dont fucking cry when you have to go to jail its as easy as that.
  16. Welcome I personally hate anything flat black but thats my taste, have a good sense of humor here, shit hits the fan at times. welcome again from another 240 owner.
  17. This is so true people on here act like what they say can inciminate them on a message board lol, Some people that know me on here remember when I was taken to court by someone that tryed to get me on charges agg assult on felony 3 charges because of hear say shit on the internet, I was at a party some drunk guy was being crazy, I asked him and his friends to leave because they are making a scene and loud. This was when I was in the marines also and not even living in ohio, and had to come back to state for court. I asked the guys to leave over and over untill one of them took a swing at me, I still tryed to be a gentleman and push them out the door rather then start smashing faces in, as I was pushing them out the other guy from behind takes a cheap shot at me and hits me in the back of the head, this is when I start to defent myself I ended up breaking 2 of the guys jaw while the 3rd guy just watched his friends. I then called the police and waited till they got there and both of them went to marysville hospital, and was never arrested. That night alot of pictures on cell phone's where taken to make me look like the aggressive aminal which was not true. I did not want to fight just want to have a good time. coming from a small town rumors spread blah blah blah, either way I was cleared from all my charges, because of one video camera that was recording that night. I had 2 guys against me saying I have PTSD and I am crazy when the video gave a whole new look into the story. The judge even said "If you two thugs where in my house acting a fool I would of thumped you too" They ended up getting charged with lying underoath which to this day I think they where just so drunk, they do not remember what all went down, everything seems to be different when you are drunk. Its crazy what a 12 pack of beer can do to some fat out of shape guy and some skinny 135lb 6'3 guy, I could of sworn they where UFC fighters that night.
  18. How? every bike that goes out from this fourm stunts on the highway, You should watch the old raceclub videos from 03.
  19. all over some guy racing some guy, words are said, internet fight starts, phone calls being made, crazy shit.
  20. holy shit you asshole you made me spit orange juice on my fucking keyboard hahaha
  21. everyone has there own taste in cars, and what they want them to look like ect everyone has there own opinion, whatever its life, but that car makes more power Na then some of the boosted guys!
  22. peter and logan are good guys that own and run a shop that is Successful and prolly give back to the car scene more half the jokers that posted in this forum.
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