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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. It all boils down to is americans want to much now days, GM pays almost 100% of the medical expenses for their current employees, past employees, and the families of these people. GMs overhead is huge, but they are having a great deal of trouble (because of Unions) moving plants to countries (or US States) where they can manufacture at rates that are competitive with Toyota/Honda. You should read "the end of detriot" its a book all truth why the american car company is killing itself and being taken over by foreign sales. We are all going to be introuble when china makes there knock off cars and sells in the states, we as americans are going to hate them but they are prolly going to sell like hot cakes because they are cheap!
  2. Tax breaks? every import car is made with american resorces. they are creating more jobs then americans can even promise to there own people. Japan still makes more cars in japan but yet still sells this good in the states. Japanese also have strick laws on cars, the japanese people are encouraged to buy a new car every 2-3 years to promote more economic growth within there own country, which makes sence more jobs and money for their own country. If they came out with an all american car made in ohio I would support it too. European and asian markerts have way more pride for there own products, its so easy to tell that. Honda goes out of there way here in marysville they paid for our super nice big highschools, they donated to the state 75% of the funds to repave parts of 33/ and 36 for honda workers. our housing is still awsome here in union county , the houses in this town re sale great because of honda workers wanting to live close. 90% of this towns work has somthihng to do with honda. if they left the surround towns and countys would go to crap. What has GM and FORD done for the americans in the past 25 years but break and run and leave thousands and thousands of american familys jobless. Aleast once a month yahoo news has great news with another company leaving for foreign grounds.
  3. It cost japan more to make a car in the states then it would cost in japan then export to be exact its 8.4 percent per car. this toll was taken in 2001 so im sure its gone up since the price of thing have also. After ww2 japanese starting importing/making cars to the united states to keep the truce with americans. japan had to give up all there rights up to americans after loosing the war, which also ment, war ships, having an army ect, american's agreement was to protect japan was defeated so in all aspect japan was to take there industy and bring a percentage here to the states to keep american happy.. Man I had to learn all this stuff in japan when I went to school there. By 1945 there were 5.5 million men in the Japanese Army. When the country was occupied at the end of the war the army and are institutions associated with it were disbanded and the 1947 constitution banned all military forces in Japan. this is what led to the industy boom in japan.
  4. That is funny that you think that, toyota is still leading in sales in the USA and they are built in the USA by americans, same with toyota, subaru, honda, ect, americans are greedy they want cheap labor and will turn there back on there own people and sell out to canada and mexico there is no pride anymore. I mean a few years ago I seen a mopar sticker on an srt4 for only 5% had anything to do with being american. more AMERICANS are hired by foreign car company then their own "domestic" companys in the united states. More american car companys pack up and leave for cheaper rates in other countrys then any other car company in the world. It seems like the USA has a problem, its called being greedy, americans want to make more money In detroit ,when there are 5 million people in mexico that will do the job for 1/4 and have a better product and work harder then any other american has.
  5. Welcome, how can so many people hate on a car, and drive what some of you making fun of him drive, it is so ass backwards, If anyone is going to be making fun of someone they should aleast have somthing better or nicer then another, then they can just be a asshole.
  6. I grew up in okinawa and so cal I know all about the street racing scene and it goes on everyplace where a man can mod a motor. Trust me okinawa japan in prolly 50 times worse then the states with street racing.
  7. hopfully they did not say a word without getting legal help first, if you talk you just are going to dig a deeper and deeper hole.
  8. Man I herd this over the scanner at work in union county last night, I did not imagine it was peeps from CR , delaware and union county's are known for fucking cracking skulls. I wish the best to them and hope they get everything situated. and everyone else be safe, hopfully none of these guys loose there jobs, their cars, and do some time in jail. Hopfully they figure somthing out like community service and fines .
  9. There are only a handful of domestc cars I like so it would not be fair to ask me, I am sure it would affect alot of people that buy only "american"
  10. 90% of them are not even made in the states as it is right now.
  11. I am happy they are both in the states, but the vspec is still not out yet.
  12. That car is very nice looking. love the break set up.
  13. I have a longer swim then any mexican I deserve to be here too.
  14. The vette is very impressive on the track so is the gtr, . I am glad americans are finally making cars that have balls and can turn. Next they should have the zR1 race a gtr vpec to make it more fair with pricing and performance.
  15. TY you work with logan and peter? I never have seen you at the shop.
  16. Everytime I see them faiting I crack up. looks so funny to see there little legs pointing straight up in the air, They had these goats on wild boys also.
  17. When i clicked on this I thought I was going to see a horrible focus , but I am wrong. Even with me not being a fan of them you can tell you did every possible way to keep it clean and semi stock while adding performance upgrades to your car. Good into man!
  18. trust me I know ,I am japanese american, but born and raised in japan.
  19. So good they fucking work them to death, literlly Labor bureau: Japanese man, 45, died of overwork By JAY ALABASTER, Associated Press Writer Wed Jul 9, 12:33 PM ET TOKYO - A Japanese labor bureau has ruled that one of Toyota's top car engineers died from working too many hours, the latest in a string of such findings in a nation where extraordinarily long hours for some employees has long been the norm. ADVERTISEMENT The man who died was aged 45 and had been under severe pressure as the lead engineer in developing a hybrid version of Toyota's blockbuster Camry line, said Mikio Mizuno, the lawyer representing his wife. The man's identity is being withheld at the request of his family, who continue to live in Toyota City where the company is based. In the two months up to his death, the man averaged more than 80 hours of overtime per month, according to Mizuno. He regularly worked nights and weekends, was frequently sent abroad and was grappling with shipping a model for the pivotal North American International Auto Show in Detroit when he died of ischemic heart disease in January 2006. The man's daughter found his body at their home the day before he was to leave for the United States. The ruling was handed down June 30 and will allow his family to collect benefits from his work insurance, Mizuno said. An officer at the Aichi Labor Bureau on Wednesday confirmed the ruling, but declined to comment on the record. In a statement, Toyota Motor Corp. offered its condolences and said it would work to improve monitoring of the health of its workers. There is an effort in Japan to cut down on deaths from overwork, known as "karoshi." Such deaths have steadily increased since the Health Ministry first recognized the phenomenon in 1987. Last year, a court in central Japan ordered the government to pay compensation to Hiroko Uchino, the wife of a Toyota employee who collapsed at work and died at age 30 in 2002. She took the case to court after her application to the local labor bureau for compensation was rejected.
  20. Thats what I was thinking, ive seen NA civics run faster. anyways welcome.
  21. That car has some serious power issues lol holy shit.
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