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Everything posted by boosted98gst

  1. welcome! the dsm looks to be in awsome shape!
  2. Bosozoku cars are so stupid , one thing I hated about japan at 2am. the bike is Pretty stupid looking too.
  3. this thread makes me think alot, I hope everything works out for the best ,and my prayers Are with you and your family and love ones.
  4. btw this is off topic, sam your car sounds so fucking nice, and good driving your car was all over.
  5. i own 2 widebody tsi's if you need parts , you are going to need them lol.....these cars make dsm's look dependble.
  6. damn , did not know him....but my prayers go out to him and his family.
  7. its prolly a good 45 minutes from columbus depending on where you live at.
  8. I just hope sam gets everything worked out, im from a small town where they lynch people for petty shit.
  9. i still feel stupid till this day for it, i was young and stupid, I had to deal with the wavers in the military ect, its so embarassing.
  10. I swear on my life this is the story even how stupid it is, over 500$ is a felony, i was convicted you can even read my report online, ask anyone on here from marysville about it, ......its such bullshit but true.......i did 181 days in prison for it. i bet people from marysville even know the teacher or seen it in the paper. I did go to prison at MCI in marion. .........if your friend stole 12k worth of stuff, he prolly narked out some people to get that kind of time, i was supposed to sserve 18 months and was paroled in 03 after 6 months. I would not come online and make up some gay ass story like this, id aleast say i beat someone up or stole a cool car . by the way my name is jason robert smith if you wanted to look at the report online, it has what i did and the coviction and date, and how long i spent . anyone that knows me on here knows im not a bullshitter. even says i had a felony 3 and was dropped to f 4 att burglary.
  11. I just read this MAn, so shitty I had somthing happen to me like this when I was 18 and not so lucky. As a joke me and a buddy decided to steal golfclubs from a teacher That we did not like, that lived near my GiRlFriend< it was a sat night and his golfclubs and garage where open at 12 At NighT< Prolly ready For the next day< HE grabbed The cluBs and put Them in the back of the car< I wAs just going to throw Them in his yard the next day> I never even left the car< Anyways>>>>>>> LONG StoRy Short * MONThs later cops get a search warrent for my house AnD FIND nothing, the kid that did it narked me out< They ended up finding the golf clubs at some pawn shop , he never threw them back like he said, he pawned them off for 10$ The report said< anyways I EnDed UP getting a f3 AGG burglary < because the garage was attached to the house, and it was afTer 9PM< I EnDED UP DoinG 6 months in a PRiSoN FOR The MeSS> WoRSt TIME oF my life< I only had a SMALL JUVIE ReCord For dumb stuff like< LIKe underage drinking ect>>>>>>> Btw my keyboard is mesSed UP
  12. you could prolly drink a beer while going down the track, not really but that place does not give a shit.
  13. I use to get it super bad also, always ending up going to the doctors and getting the shot and pills. now when i get it, I open the bumps up with a scotch pad and bleach it and it never spreads, ive had it 2 times this summer and took care of it early, just drys up.
  14. WTF i should of never clicked that, i feel like really throwing up .
  15. that is sooooo stupid! yet so funny!!
  16. tornado's freak me out, lucky you tho.
  17. on the side title thing it says "this guy once did 106 runs on deals gap in 24 hours fastest run about 11 minutes. He makes video's from your ride on Deals Gap (don't try to outrun this guy)," this guy must be on drugs or somthing.
  18. mike I was about to post the same damn thIng.
  19. thats a badass car, cant wait to see when done.
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